
Libraries and museums are using broadband to expand access to content and create communities where all people have the ability to access and use information technologies.

National Initiative: Digitally Inclusive Communities 
Full participation in American society requires the ability to access and use digital content and technologies. Libraries, businesses, hospitals, schools, cultural institutions, community technology centers and local governments face difficult decisions about how to create and sustain access to broadband technologies.

Search the Awarded Grants database for grants to broadband programs (issue areas have only been assigned to grants awarded since FY 2009)

Broadband content on the IMLS Web site:
IMLS Awards Grant to Engage Libraries in US Ignite

September 12, 2012 11:08 AM
Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign will explore how libraries can adopt and use next-generation internet. Read More

IMLS Announces Grant to Support Libraries’ Roles in National Broadband Adoption Efforts

June 14, 2012 10:54 AM
Grant to WebJunction will help national digital literacy efforts effectively leverage and support libraries. Read More

cover of Building Digital Communities: Getting Started
Building Digital Communities: New Resource to Help Communities Bridge the Digital Divide

March 21, 2012 10:30 AM
IMLS has released Building Digital Communities: A Framework for Action and its companion primer Building Digital Communities: Getting Started, new resources to help set a vision for the future. Read More

Connect2Compete: Lee Davenport,Howard Feldstein, Hilda Solis, Julius Genachowski, Susan Hildreth
Blog Post: Public Libraries, American Job Centers, and Digital Literacy

July 18, 2012 10:36 AM
Together America’s Public Libraries and America’s Job Centers are teaching digital skills that are essential for job searches and more. Read More

Blog Post: “US Ignite” Highlights Library and Museum Potential for High-Speed Broadband Applications

June 20, 2012 08:47 AM
President Obama Announces an initiative to make cities and towns test-beds for next-generation applications. Read More

Photo of Susan Hildreth
Blog Post: See you in Anaheim

June 18, 2012 02:25 PM
Library education grants, a grant for a new effort to increase broadband adoption, and a new "Talking Points" series are just some of the things keeping IMLS busy as we we prepare for ALA's annual meeting. Read More

National Medal
October 2008: IMLS Honors 10 Museums and Libraries for Outstanding Community Service

Five museums and five libraries have won the 2008 National Medal for Museum and Library Service, the nation’s highest honor for institutions that make significant and exceptional contributions to their communities. Read More

Bathing Beauties, 1890.
November 2007: History and High-tech Intersect on the New Jersey Digital Highway

Garden State communities are quickly finding that history and high-tech intersect on the New Jersey Digital Highway, a newly developed web portal that is linking historical institutions around the state and helping to digitize their rich collections. Read More

cover of Building Digital Communities: Getting Started
Building Digital Communities: Getting Started

March 1, 2012 02:16 PM
A guide to help spark community conversation and action to increase broadband adoption and use. Read More

cover of Building Digital Communities: A Framework for Action
Building Digital Communities: A Framework for Action

The Framework encourages engagement across all sectors of the community so that "all people, businesses, and institutions have access to digital content and technologies that enable them to create and support healthy, prosperous, and cohesive 21st century communities.” Read More

over of Research Brief
Research Brief No. 4: Who is in the Queue: Public Access Computer Users

This brief provides a demographic analysis of public access computer users and uses and demonstrates that public libraries are providing much more than basic technology access. Read More

DigitalLiteracy 1
Talking Points: Libraries are Essential to Broadband Adoption

Quick summary of the impact of library services for digital literacy and broadband adoption. Read More