Secretary Clinton: Travel to the Cook Islands, Indonesia, China, Timor-Leste, Brunei, and Russia

August 30, 2012 to September 9, 2012

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Secretary Clinton traveled to the Cook Islands, Indonesia, China, Timor-Leste, Brunei, and Russia departing Washington, DC on August 30.

In the Cook Islands, Secretary Clinton attended the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Post Forum Dialogue on August 31 as part of our intensive engagement and ongoing collaboration with the Pacific Islands. Her visit emphasized the depth and breadth of American engagement across economic, people to people, strategic, environmental, and security interests. The visit also represents a concerted effort to strengthen regional multilateral institutions, develop bilateral partnerships, and build on alliances – three core elements of U.S. strategy toward the Asia-Pacific. She led the highest-level U.S. interagency delegation in the 41-year history of the Forum with senior officials from the Departments of State, Defense, and Interior.

In Jakarta on September 3, Secretary Clinton discussed with senior Indonesian officials the U.S.-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership and our respective engagements on regional global issues.

In Beijing September 4-5, Secretary Clinton met with senior Chinese leaders. Discussions covered a wide range of issues of importance in the U.S.-China relationship as part of our efforts to build a cooperative partnership, including preparations for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and other upcoming multilateral meetings and numerous bilateral, regional, and global issues.

On September 6, Secretary Clinton was the first Secretary of State to travel to Dili, where she emphasized U.S. support for the young democracy of Timor-Leste in her meetings with senior officials.

In Brunei, Secretary Clinton met with senior officials to emphasize the importance of the increasingly vibrant U.S.-Brunei relationship. She also highlighted the Brunei-U.S. ASEAN English Language initiative and discuss Brunei’s 2013 chairmanship of ASEAN.

The final stop on Secretary Clinton’s trip was Vladivostok, where she led the U.S. delegation to the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting September 8-9. The Secretary discussed trade liberalization, food security, and green growth including initiatives to fight wildlife trafficking, with heads of state and other regional leaders, including business representatives. She engaged on many areas of bilateral cooperation with Russia including with Foreign Minister Lavrov.

09/09/2012  Interview With Margaret Brennan of CBS
09/09/2012  Inteview With Indira Lakshmanan of Bloomberg News
09/09/2012 Press Availability in Vladivostok, Russia
09/09/2012 Meeting With Consulate Staff and Families
09/08/2012 Remarks at APEC CEO Summit
09/08/2012 Signing Ceremony With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
09/08/2012 Background Briefing by Senior State Department Officials on APEC Summit Meeting
09/07/2012 Background Briefing by Senior State Department Officials on Secretary's Travel to Vladivostok, Russia
09/07/2012 Inaugural Launch of the Brunei-U.S. English-Language Enrichment Project for ASEAN
09/07/2012 Meeting With the Staff and Families of Embassy Bandar Seri Begawan
09/06/2012 Background Briefing by Senior State Department Official en Route to Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
09/06/2012 Remarks With Timor-Leste Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao
09/06/2012 Background Briefing by Senior State Department Official on Timor-Leste
09/05/2012 Meeting with Embassy Staff and Families
09/05/2012 Remarks With Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi
09/04/2012 Remarks With Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi Before their Meeting
09/04/2012 Meeting with ASEAN Secretary General Surin
09/04/2012 Meeting with Staff and Their Families at Mission Indonesia
09/03/2012 Remarks With Indonesian Foreign Minister Raden Mohammad Marty Muliana Natalegawa
08/31/2012 Meets With Staff From Supporting Embassies
08/31/2012 Remarks at the Sustainable Development and Conservation Event
08/31/2012 Remarks at the Pacific Islands Forum Post-Forum Dialogue
08/31/2012 Remarks at the Rarotonga Dialogue on Gender Equality
08/31/2012 Remarks With New Zealand Prime Minister Key
08/31/2012 Commemorating U.S. Peace and Security Partnerships in the Pacific
08/29/2012 Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Travel to the Cook Islands, Indonesia, China, Timor-Leste, Brunei, and Russia
08/29/2012 Background Briefing on Upcoming APEC Summit

Fact Sheets and Press Releases
09/09/2012 APEC: 20th Annual Leaders' Meeting
09/08/2012 On Cooperation in the Bering Strait Region
09/08/2012 U.S.-Russia Cooperation on Antarctica, Interregional Areas, and Beringia
09/07/2012 Historic Visa Agreement Between the United States and the Russian Federation Enters Into Force September 9
09/03/2012 U.S. Institutional Support for ASEAN
09/03/2012 United States-Indonesia Relations
09/01/2012 Joint Statement on the Rarotonga Dialogue on Gender Equality
08/31/2012 Trilateral Joint Press Statement Australia, New Zealand, and the United States of America Rarotonga, Cook Islands, August 31, 2012
08/31/2012 The Pacific Maritime Surveillance Partnership;
08/31/2012 U.S.-Japan Joint Statement on Aid Coordination in the Pacific Region
08/31/2012 U.S. Engagement in the Pacific

Secretary's Schedule
Public Schedule for September 9, 2012
Public Schedule for September 8, 2012
Public Schedule for September 7, 2012
Public Schedule for September 6, 2012
Public Schedule for September 5, 2012
Public Schedule for September 4, 2012
Public Schedule for September 3, 2012
Public Schedule for September 2, 2012
Public Schedule for September 1, 2012
Public Schedule for August 31, 2012

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