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GEN Thurman National Defense Council Dinner Speech

Gen. James D. Thurman,
Commander, United Nations Command
Speech at the National Defense Council Dinner

Aug. 30, 2011

“Chairman Won, Assembly members and distinguished guests.

“Ladies and gentlemen, and especially Chairman Won, thank you for hosting me tonight.  I am honored to be here.  I am always grateful for the opportunity to come together with members of the ROK-U.S. Alliance. Thank you.

“Your committee is a key element of the ROK-U.S. Alliance.  This Alliance successfully deterred aggression for the last 58 years.  An Alliance forged in blood and sacrifice.  Over that time, this Alliance has faced and overcame various challenges.  We have become one of the strongest Alliances in the world.

“However, this Alliance has not rested on the laurels of its successes.  Instead, we continue to evolve so we can meet today’s security challenges while preparing for what the future may bring.

“Your support to the military…ensuring that they have the manpower and equipment that they need…strengthens this Alliance.  This investment has successfully deterred aggression over the last 58 years.  It also will continue to deter aggression into the future. 

“Thank you for the warm welcome.  I am honored to be here.  I am looking forward to working with you.  I am committed to ensuring that this Alliance is ready to execute its mission.  

“Thank You for your support, patriotism, and continuing commitment to maintaining the strongest Alliance in the world.”