Secretary Clinton: Travel to Finland, Latvia, Russia, and Switzerland

June 26, 2012 to June 30, 2012

Interactive Travel Map | Photos: Geneva  St. Petersburg

Secretary Clinton traveled to Finland, Latvia, Russia, and Switzerland, June 27-July 1. In Helsinki, Finland, Secretary Clinton held bilateral meetings with senior Finnish officials to discuss a number of shared foreign policy priorities, including the European economy, Syria, Iran, and climate change. She highlighted Finland’s commitment and leadership in Afghanistan, specifically on development and women’s issues. She also met with leaders in innovation, entrepreneurship and civil society.

On June 28, the Secretary traveled to Riga, Latvia, where she met with senior Latvian officials to discuss a range of issues including our joint commitment to NATO missions and priorities and Latvia’s recovery from economic crisis. She also participated in a street renaming ceremony in honor of former Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles, whose Welles Declaration formalized the U.S. refusal to recognize the forced incorporation of the Baltic Republics into the Soviet Union.

The Secretary traveled to St. Petersburg, Russia, on June 28 where she led the U.S. Delegation to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation’s Women and the Economy Forum (WEF). During this event, participants focused on leadership and skills and capacity building, two main areas of the San Francisco Declaration on decreasing barriers to women’s economic participation, as they relate to innovation, STEM, entrepreneurship, and healthy lifestyles. The Secretary also met with Foreign Minister Lavrov as well as civil society leaders.

Secretary Clinton then traveled to Geneva, Switzerland for the Action Group on Syria meetings. On the margins of the Action Group on Syria meetings, Secretary Clinton met with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, UK Foreign Minister William Hague, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabir Al Thani, and Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari.

06/30/2012 Interview With Indira Lakshmanan of Bloomberg
06/30/2012 Interview With Michele Kelemen of NPR
06/30/2012 Interview With Jill Dougherty of CNN
06/30/2012 Press Availability Following the Meeting of the Action Group on Syria
06/29/2012 Background Briefing on Syria
06/29/2012 Remarks at the Top of a Meeting With Civil Society
06/29/2012 Remarks at the APEC Women and the Economy Forum
06/28/2012 Townterview With Latvian Youth, Hosted by LTV
06/28/2012 Remarks at the Dedication of Sumner Welles Street
06/28/2012 Meeting With Embassy Staff and Their Families
06/28/2012 Press Availability With Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics
06/28/2012 Remarks at Top of Meeting With Latvian Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis
06/27/2012 Meeting With the Embassy Staff and Families
06/27/2012 Remarks With Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja
06/27/2012 Remarks at Climate Clean Air Coalition and Green Embassy Event
06/26/2012 Background Briefing on the Secretary's Trip to Europe

Press Releases
06/28/2012 Fact Sheet: Renewed U.S.-Latvia Fulbright Academic Exchange Program Agreement
06/28/2012 Fact Sheet: U.S.-Latvian Agreement on Supporting Justice Sector Reform in Moldova
06/27/2012 Fact Sheet: U.S.-Finland General Security of Information Agreement

Secretary's Schedule
Public Schedule for June 30, 2012
Public Schedule for June 29, 2012
Public Schedule for June 28, 2012
Public Schedule for June 27, 2012

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