
International Affairs

The ICE Office of International Affairs enhances national security by conducting and coordinating investigations involving transnational criminal organizations and serving as the agency's liaison to counterparts in local government and law enforcement.

ICE has 71 offices in 47 foreign countries around the world with more than 380 government and contract personnel committed to the agency’s mission. Office of International Affairs attachés direct the office’s operations.

Their responsibilities include:

  • Coordinating investigations with foreign law enforcement counterparts;
  • Providing domestic and international ICE offices with investigative case support and information related to cross-border criminal activities involving people, goods and technology;
  • Providing training and capacity building to foreign law enforcement counterparts;
  • Assisting in removal operations by facilitating ICE efforts to repatriate removable aliens; and
  • Referring requests from host country agencies to ICE domestic investigative offices.

Recent News

8/25/2011 Washington, DC ICE statement on internal screening criteria and processes

8/31/2012 Denver, CO Denver man who immigrated from Ethiopia indicted for ID theft and unlawfully procuring US citizenship

7/26/2012 New York, NY HSI seizes stolen statues from New York storage facility

7/26/2012 New York, NY HSI returns stolen and looted antiquities to Nigeria

7/23/2012 Frankfurt, International TOP STORY: HSI returns painting stolen during World War II to Germany

7/12/2012 Washington, DC ICE returns stolen and looted art and antiquities to Peru

6/27/2012 Buffalo, NY Upstate New York man arrested for use of fraudulent immigration document

Read more news about Cultural Property, Art and Antiquities Investigations or Human Rights Violators


The Office of International Affairs protects U.S. borders by conducting multifaceted, international law enforcement operations and partnering with foreign and domestic counterparts to combat criminal organizations and prevent terrorist activities. The office is the largest international investigative component in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It conducts investigations of immigration and customs violations, manages the Visa Security Program and the International Visitors Program, represents ICE with international organizations, conducts international training and guides repatriation efforts.


Assistant Director, International Affairs, Peter VincentPeter S. Vincent
Acting Assistant Director, Office of International Affairs

Peter S. Vincent is the acting assistant director for the Office of International Affairs (OIA), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C.

Mr. Vincent brings substantial international experience to this post. He served as the Department of Justice's (DOJ) judicial attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Bogota, Colombia. There, he advised DOJ, the U.S. Department of State and various law enforcement and intelligence-gathering agencies on matters concerning extradition, terrorist organizations and narco-trafficking.

Mr. Vincent also serves as ICE's principal legal advisor.

Vision Statement

The Office of International Affairs focuses on international law enforcement operations. The organization will remain flexible to meet the ever-changing challenges and threats in the global environment by attracting the best in the profession, fostering teamwork and valuing innovation.


Contact an International Affairs attaché office.

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