Mayor’s Gang Prevention Task Force Strategic Work Plan Update 2011-2013

Action Collaboration Transformation (ACT): A community plan to break the cycle of violence and foster hope-The Mayor’s Gang Prevention Task Force (MGPTF) 2008-2013 Strategic Work Plan, is a collaborative effort involving youth; private residents; city, county, and state government; community- and faith-based organizations; schools; parents; and local law enforcement.  This document was developed following an extensive community input process that began in Spring 2007 with a retreat that involved community-based organizations serving as members of the Technical Team. The community-at-large participated in the input process from April to May 2008, and included forty-three (43) focus groups that were facilitated at sixteen (16) distinct convenings, involving over 1,200 participants.  This Work Plan was updated in March of 2011 to continue the historic process of keeping the strategic work plan a “living and breathing” action plan.

The original strategic plan was intended to cover the period of 2008 through 2011.  During this period of time there have been many successes, including the year-to-year reduction in gang violence culminating in the lowest number of gang homicides (six in 2010) in a decade. Nonetheless, the current spike in gang violence serves to remind us all that our work is not finished.  Subsequently, the “ACT” Work Plan has been deemed worthy of extension/update for the period of 2011 to 2013. The focus of the ACT update will continue to build on the original bold vision and goals.  This Work Plan will add two new strategic goals consisting of Re-Entry and Public Private Partnership.

The MGPTF embarked upon an extensive community outreach process with the intention of capturing input from the different segments that make up San José’s diverse community.  Emphasis was placed on gathering input from youth through schools, community centers, and the Youth Commission, as well as detention facilities such as juvenile hall and the ranches. Town hall meetings were held throughout the city to allow people to voice their concerns, ideas, and commitment to reducing violence and anti-social behavior.  One of the greatest strengths of the MGPTF is that it is inclusive and collaborative in its functioning.

Since 1991, a sustained commitment has been put forth by a diverse group of stakeholders, representing a range of entities, to “ACT” in the best interest of San Jose’s youth and families.  With the leadership and support of Mayor Chuck Reed, these many contributors, both continuing and new, remain united behind a plan to intervene in the lives of the city's youth - to “ACT” to address the anti-social forces of influence that have disconnected them from their families, schools, and communities.  This plan incorporates the latest research on successful approaches to healthy youth development across a continuum of care with an emphasis on reclaiming gang-involved and disconnected youth through intervention services. Acting in the interest of San José’s youth is a commitment on behalf of the community to get them back into schools, reconnect them with their families and communities, provide them with a supportive and healthy environment to learn and grow, and redirect them toward more pro-social behaviors.  Ultimately we envision youth acting with a sense of responsibility for their actions and accountability to themselves, their families, and the community at large.  San José’s youth will be afforded the opportunity and support to personally transform themselves and their circumstances, while those seeking to employ intimidation and fear to exert their influence on the residents and neighborhoods of San José will be held personally accountable to the full extent of the law.

There are five guiding principles that drove the development of this strategic work plan:

  1. We value our youth.
  2. We cannot arrest our way out of this problem. 
  3. We will address this community challenge with a community response.
  4. We will hold our youth accountable for their actions and assist them to get back on the right path.
  5. We will not give up on any youth and are committed to facilitate personal transformation.

This work plan is a call to action for all community stakeholders to renew their commitment to ensuring the health and well being of the youth of San José.  We invite you to join us in reaffirming our collective effort to implement this plan to “ACT” in the best interest of San José’s youth.

Mayor’s Gang Prevention Task Force

Guiding Principles

  • We value our youth
  • We cannot arrest our way out of this problem
  • We will address this community challenge with a community response
  • We will hold our youth accountable for their actions and assist them to get back on the right path
  • We will not give up on any youth and are committed to facilitating personal transformation


Safe and healthy youth connected to their families, schools, communities, and their futures.


We exist to ensure safe and healthy opportunities for San José’s youth, free of gangs and crime, to help them realize their hopes and dreams, and become successful and productive in their homes, schools, and neighborhoods.

Strategic Goals

  • Service delivery
  • Education and public awareness
  • Capacity building
  • Crisis response
  • Local, state, and national collaboration
  • Re-entry
  • Public/private partnerships


  • Reduced gang violence
  • Informed and engaged community
  • Well trained and funded direct service providers
  • Safe schools, community centers, and neighborhoods
  • Seamless selivery system

360-degree Community Accountability

Personal Accountability

  • Meaningful participation at home, in school, and in the community
  • High expectations
  • Responsiveness to caring and supportive adults
  • Healthy beliefs, values, and attitudes
  • Developed skills and assets
  • Making amends for anti-social behavior

Personal Accountability

  • Civil gang injunctions
  • Gang enhancements
  • Probation/parole/rehabilitation
  • Incarceration
  • Court mandated referrals