National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS): Purpose

Collaboration Purpose

The mission of NOYS is to promote youth empowerment and leadership, and build partnerships that save lives, prevent injuries, and enhance safe and healthy lifestyles among all youth. Their vision is to be the premiere youth coalition focused on youth health and safety. NOYS was founded to expand the audience of youth reached by organizations and limit duplication of effort.

NOYS developed the following goals for their collaboration:

  • Empower. NOYS entrusts, supports, and encourages youth leadership and involvement in activities that enhance safety and promote healthy lifestyles.

  • Communicate. NOYS shares information and ideas with youth-serving organizations and professional communities, the media, and the general public at the national, state, and local levels.

  • Collaborate. NOYS shares resources, provides technical assistance, and encourages participation in individual members' activities to promote youth health and safety.

  • Initiate. NOYS sustains design, implementation, and evaluation of national health and safety events and activities, with an emphasis on initiatives designed by youth and for youth.

  • Organize. NOYS sustains the mission and goals of the organizations by developing an implementation plan, which is reviewable annually, to build upon the commitment of its diverse youth and adult members