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April 22 - Earth Day 2005

Earth Day is an opportunity for us to reflect on the amazing beauty and complexity of our environment. That environment provides the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food that we eat. Our understanding, care and stewardship of those resources are critical to our continued health and well-being. In the United States, the first Earth Day in 1970 helped spark important cultural and political changes that led the way to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of laws to ensure clean air, clean water, and the protection of endangered species. Earth Day is now observed by millions worldwide, marked by celebrations, activities, and a recommitment to sound environmental citizenship throughout the year.

Earth Day 2005

It was Earth Day in 1994 when plans were announced for a new program called GLOBE. The idea was to create a worldwide network of students working with educators and scientists to learn about their environment, make measurements of key indicators of the Earth system, and share their results and experiences. One year later, Earth Day 1995 marked the official beginning of operations for the GLOBE program. Since that day 10 years ago, the international GLOBE partnership has touched the lives of 10's of thousands of teachers and 100's of thousands of students. As participants in GLOBE, you have made a difference in your schools and communities and contributed to our scientific understanding of our environment. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the members of our GLOBE community for another great year, and I look forward to our continued learning and growing together.


Craig Blurton, Ph. D.
Director, The GLOBE Program

Earth Day Ideas - Things to Do

  • Mark the day by conducting a GLOBE measurement and help take the pulse of the planet. Try to make at least one measurement on Earth Day. If you haven't taken a measurement in a long time, or even if you have never taken measurements, that is OK. Here is a great reason to get started. Cloud observations are easy, quick, and can be taken without any special equipment. Learn how with our new Cloud Protocols Online Teaching Module. Or select whatever GLOBE protocol is appropriate. Let's see how many schools we can get to make at least one measurement on Earth Day!
  • Share a thought. Earth Day focuses our thoughts on our relationship with the Earth. GLOBE teachers and students are invited to share a suggestion, a wish, a question, an idea, or any other brief comment inspired by Earth Day and GLOBE. Note that GLOBE school login is required to post messages, but all are free to read them. Click here to post or read Earth Day messages.
  • Learn More. Lots of resources and ideas for Earth Day and throughout the year can be found on these Web sites for Earth Day, National Environmental Education Week, and World Environment Day.

Photo credits: Humpback Whale - Gete Bond; Cheetah and Cactus flower - Gary Randolph.