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Department of Defense senior leaders

  1. General Ray Odierno GENRayOdierno Looking forward to @usawarriors Hockey game tonight vs. 'Lawmakers' - Army Strong!
  2. George Little PentagonPresSec By order of the President, flags will be flown at half-staff at military installations to honor the memory of Americans who died in Libya.
  3. The Joint Staff thejointstaff RT @statedept President Obama directs U.S. flags be flown at half-staff at the @whitehouse and all public buildings.
  4. The Joint Staff thejointstaff RT @statedept Statement by President Obama on the Attack in Benghazi, #Libya
  5. SMA Chandler SMAChandler Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
  6.  GEN Martin Dempsey Martin_Dempsey As I look back on how the attacks of 9/11 changed our world, I'm reminded of the service that so many have given
  7. U.S. Dept of Defense DeptofDefense Here's a special report about how #military members and #DOD employees #Remember911 at the #Pentagon:
  8. George Little PentagonPresSec #SecDef at Pentagon 9/11 ceremony: "We can never fail, every day, to give it our all" to protect our nation.
This list was created by DeptofDefense