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Radioisotope Power Systems, a strong partnership between the Energy Department's Office of Nuclear Energy and NASA, has been providing the energy for deep space exploration.

Powering Curiosity: Lab Tech Goes to Mars
One of the first images taken by NASA's Curiosity rover was taken on the left-rear side of the rover looking directly into the sun. | Photo courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech.

Today marks the beginning of Curiosity's two-year mission on the Martian surface to determine whether our neighboring Red Planet supports life now or has in the past.

NNSA Meets with Japanese Scientists to Discuss On-Going Fukushima Work
Scientists from the Japanese Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). | Photo from the Office of Public Affairs, NNSA

NNSA continues to collect data and prepare analyses concerning the state of readiness to respond to radiological emergencies.

Internships Give Nuclear Technician Students Hands-on Experience
Brandalin Barnes, left, is a nuclear technician student at Idaho State University's Energy Systems Technology and Education Center (ESTEC). Her summer internship at INL provided experience at the lab's operating nuclear facilities.

At Idaho National Lab, interns are receiving real experience in nuclear systems and operations.

Harry Potter, Oxford and Nuclear Energy
Assistant Secretary Dr. Peter Lyons meets with students on the Oxford University Campus in the same room where scenes from the Harry Potter films were filmed.

Dr. Lyons visits Oxford University to talk nuclear energy and Harry Potter.

What's Next for Nuclear Energy? MIT Students Discuss Path Forward
Dr. Peter Lyons, Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy met with students at MIT during an informal roundtable to talk what's next for nuclear energy and for the nuclear power industry. | Photo courtesy of Jake Dewitt.

Students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) gathered Friday to have a casual discussion with the U.S. government’s foremost expert on nuclear energy

Female Scientists, Engineers Open Students' Eyes to Career Options
Students practice hooking out -- or removing -- DNA from a strawberry sample at Idaho National Laboratory. | Photo courtesy of INL.

More than six dozen middle school girls visited INL to learn about career options in science and engineering at the annual My Amazing Future event organized by Idaho Women in Nuclear.