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Days of Service


Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service
The Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) Day of Service was designated in 1994 to honor Dr. King's legacy by turning community concerns into citizen action through community service. This day, when we focus on Dr. King's vision of a just and free society comprised of actively engaged citizens, provides an excellent kickoff or culmination point for service-learning projects including Semester of Service.

Semester of Service
Semester of Service encourages students, ages 5-25, to develop a semester-long service-learning project that launches on Martin Luther King Day in January and culminates on Global Youth Service Day in April.


AmeriCorps Week
AmeriCorps Week is a recruitment and recognition event designed to bring more Americans into service, salute AmeriCorps members and alums for their powerful impact, and thank the community partners who make AmeriCorps possible.  AmeriCorps Week provides an opportunity for AmeriCorps members, alums, grantees, program partners, and friends to shine a spotlight on the work done by members in communities across the country -- and to motivate more people to join AmeriCorps or volunteer in their communities.

Learn more about AmeriCorps and service-learning.


Cesar Chavez Day of Service and Learning
March 31 is celebrated as a day to promote service to the community in honor of Cesar Chavez's life and work. Students, parents, teachers, business and community members join together in projects that honor Chavez's legacy as a farm worker, labor leader, and civil rights activist.


Global Youth Service Day
An annual event organized by Youth Service America with the Global Youth Action Network, together with a consortium of International Organizations and more than 100 national coordinating committees.

National Volunteer Week
A nationwide initiative to recognize and celebrate the tremendous efforts of volunteers.



Senior Corps Week
Across the country Senior Corps volunteers and adults age 55+ are mentoring and tutoring children, responding to disasters, working on environmental projects, and helping frail seniors stay independent. Senior Corps Week is a week-long initiative designed to create awareness and recognize and thank community partners and volunteers for the impact they make in their communities. 

Learn more about Senior Corps and service-learning.



9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance
Originally designated Patriot Day in 2002, September 11 was amended in 2009 to a National Day of Service and Remembrance, on which all Americans and others are encouraged to voluntarily support charitable causes, perform good deeds or engage in other service activities. With leadership from MyGoodDeed Inc., the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Points of Light Institute, and the National September 11 Memorial and Museum, the goal of the event is to inspire everyone to carry forward every day in their lives, through their actions toward others, the remarkable spirit of unity, understanding, and service that brought America and the world together in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

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National Learn and Serve Challenge Kick Off Week
Sponsored by the National Service-Learning Partnership and the Corporation for National and Community Service, the National Learn & Serve Challenge is a sustained, focused effort to promote youth civic engagement and service-learning.


Make a Difference Day
Make A Difference Day is the nation's largest day of citizens volunteering to make communities stronger. It is a great opportunity to get involved in volunteering for the first time ever, or to step up regular volunteer project efforts by planning something extra.
