FSI's Transition Center

Transition Center logo. Globe with arrows around it.The Transition Center serves U.S. Government employees and family members of all foreign affairs agencies assigned to diplomatic posts abroad, providing training, referrals and information, as well as retirement planning workshops.

The Transition Center also assists personnel returning from Iraq, Afghanistan, or other high-threat assignments through the
High Stress Assignment Outbrief Program.

Training Division – offers workshops and courses on Foreign Service life skills and security training to prepare foreign affairs employees and their family members for overseas assignments or re-entry to the U.S.

  • The Foreign Service Life Skills Training – offers employees and their family training for effectiveness in the foreign affairs community and foreign service lifestyle by facilitating transitions throughout their careers. The continuum of training begins with presentations and courses targeting those new to foreign service life. In addition to employee-focused training, some courses are designed specifically for spouses, while other courses focus on children's concerns.
  • Security Training – seeks to raise the security awareness for those serving overseas, help people identify risks, and aid them in reducing their vulnerabilities to criminal and terrorist threats overseas. These security seminars are designed to meet the needs of the U.S. Government employee, their family members and partners, private sector organizations, and study abroad administrators.


View the Training Toolkit for Foreign Affairs Agency Employees and Eligible Family Members (PDF).

Overseas Briefing Center (OBC)provides U.S. Government employees and their family members with:

  • extensive country research materials for an overseas or domestic assignment;
  • logistical information for an international move;
  • cultural adjustment resources; and
  • expert assistance in identifying the resources needed for transitions in the Foreign Service lifestyle.

Career Transition Center (CTC)offers training, counseling, and other assistance for Department of State and foreign affairs employees from other agencies leaving U.S. Government service. Some of the resources offered at the CTC include:

  • retirement planning workshops;
  • transition resources and links; and
  • articles on the job search process.

The Transition Center is one unit within the five schools of the Foreign Service Institute at the George P. Shultz National Foreign Affairs Training Center, located in Arlington, Virginia. For information about language training, area studies, leadership, or other courses offered by the Foreign Service Institute, please contact the FSI Registrar at (703) 302-7144 or (703) 302-7137. The Transition Center offers only those courses mentioned in the CTC and Training Division listings.


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