Observing World AIDS Day All Year Round


Just like many other places around the world, here in Vietnam, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) team is commemorating World AIDS Day on December 1. As a tradition over the past several years, PEPFAR’s public diplomacy outreach takes place through multiple events across Vietnam, ranging from HIV/AIDS awareness concerts, photo exhibits and television…

Shared Responsibility: The Catalyst for Long-Term Success in HIV & AIDS


This is a remarkable time to be in Global Health. The successes we are seeing now would not have been achieved without the shared responsibility and partnerships that have been forged over the years – most important of which are those with our implementing partners. Our implementing partners – in collaboration with civil society, the…

Social Good: Igniting Passion and Innovation for a Better World


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Editor’s Note: This week the team is at the United States Conference on AIDS. We will return next week with highlights from the social media sessions. Today we have a guest post about another recent conference, The Social Good Summit.  Last week, global leaders gathered in New York City to discuss a wide spectrum…

Answering the Call to Action with Science

Dr. Roger Glass

Twenty-five years ago, we were horrified to see the toll HIV/AIDS was taking in the developing world. Not only did it wipe out nearly a generation of adults in sub-Saharan Africa, it also killed countless children and left many more orphans. After several decades of improving indicators of health, life expectancy in sub-Saharan Africa began…

What Africa Teaches Us: PEPFAR’s Transformation of the U.S. Domestic HIV Response

Dr. Shannon Hader

From July 22-27, people from around the world will converge on Washington, DC for the 2012 International AIDS Conference. The conference will return to the U.S. for the first time in more than 20 years. It’s fitting that the conference is taking place in the District, which is grappling with our own HIV battle. The…

Looking to AIDS 2012: Turning the Tide Together

Eric Goosby 120

Editor’s Note: With less than a month away from the XIX International AIDS Conference, we are reposting the following blog post to raise awareness around the U.S. global response to HIV/AIDS. For the first time in over 20 years, the biannual International AIDS Conference will take place on American soil. From July 22-27, AIDS 2012…

Winning the Fight Against HIV in Children

Rajiv Shah

Over thirty years ago, when the fight against HIV first began, the outlook for tackling the pandemic was bleak. Across the world, AIDS was seen as a death sentence. Within just a few years, it had devastated communities from the United States to South Africa. But the world continued to fight, and the past three…

One Month until World AIDS Day (December 1): How are YOU Facing AIDS?

Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day video

Co-authored by Aisha Moore, Communications Director and Deb LeBel, Partnerships Specialist,

World AIDS Day (December 1) is a month away and once again we’re using social networking and photos to share messages about how we are all still Facing AIDS. Some of us once knew a world without AIDS, and for others AIDS has been around our entire lifetime. No matter your age or your familiarity with the epidemic and the many people who have been infected or affected, we hope you’ll join us again this year.

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