Disasters Update: T.S. Isaac, Wildfires

National VOAD is monitoring the situation closely.

Maps & More Info

Below are more useful links for updated information on Hurricane Isaac and other events going on at this time.

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Safe and Well- List Yourself Here

Hurricane Isaac:

State Emergency Management Agency:



State Emergency Management Agency:


How to Help?

Please consider making a donation to one of the VOAD organizations providing relief.

Financial Contributions      Donate Goods

In a community struggling to respond to and recover from a disaster, an influx of unexpected or unneeded volunteers can make the process even more difficult.

Help Survivors of Hurricane Isaac:

The Louisiana Serve Commission is the lead agency responsible for Spontaneous Volunteer Management in the event of a disaster or emergency. View volunteer opportunities or donate toward relief and recovery efforts at www.volunteerlouisiana.gov.

The Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service is closely monitoring Tropical Storm Isaac. Visit www.mcvs.org for standby volunteer opportunities and donation information.

Volunteer Florida is the agency responsible for coordinating volunteers and donations during times of disaster. Call 1-800-FL-HELP1 (354-3571) or visit www.volunteerfloridadisaster.org for more information.

The Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Volunteer Service is the State's lead agency for Volunteer and Donations Management in times of disaster, working closely with the Alabama Emergency Management Agency, Alabama Department of Homeland Security and Alabama VOAD agencies to help coordinate volunteers, volunteer agency response and manage donations to the state, post disaster. Visit www.servealabama.gov for more info.

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