Intl. Saxophone Symposium
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International Saxophone Symposium History

While attending the 1977 World Saxophone Congress in Brussels, Belgium, Chief Musician Dale Underwood and Navy Band Leader Commander Ned Muffley discussed the possibility of hosting the band’s own symposium. After some consideration, Muffley turned to Underwood and said, “we can do this and do it better.” In those moments the United States Navy Band International Saxophone Symposium was born. The first symposium was held on March 17-18, 1978, and due to Chief Underwood’s tireless efforts, it was a great success.


Captain Ralph M. Gambone, and the Navy Band saxophone instrumentalists
after the 28th International Saxophone Symposium.  (left to right MUC
Michael M. Bayes, Joseph Lulloff, MUCS Timothy E. Roberts, Masahiro
Maeda, Capt. Gambone, MU1 Adrienne S. Welker and MU1 R. Todd Morrison)The first concert had an international flavor with the appearance of guest soloists Elie Apper of the Royal Conservatory of Music and Commandant Yvon Ducene of the Musique des Guides, both from Brussels, Belgium. American artists James Houlik, Donald Sinta and Chief Underwood were also featured with the Navy Band. The Commodores performed with jazz soloists Jim Boitos, Chad Evans, Tim Eyerman and Frank Foster. In its first 14 years of existence, organizers seemed to be in search of a permanent location for the symposium. Early performances were held at the Departmental Auditorium, Tawes Theater at the University of Maryland and the Sail Loft on the historic Washington Navy Yard. Finally in 1991, with the construction of a new concert hall, the symposium was moved to the Center for the Arts at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. This large, state-of-the-art facility offered the potential to stage five events at once and has been the home of the symposium ever since.


Early Saxophone SymposiumOver the years, the Navy Band has hosted some of the biggest names in the saxophone community such as Claude Delangle of the Paris Conservatory, Masahiro Maeda of the Osaka College of Music in Japan, Dragan Sremec of the Zabreb University Music Academy in Croatia, Arno Bornkamp of Amsterdam, Frederick Hemke of Northwestern University, Steven Mauk of Ithaca College, Debra Richtmeyer of the University of Illinois, Eugene Rousseau of Indiana University and the University of Minnesota and John Sampen of Bowling Green State University. Jazz greats who have performed with the Commodores include Eddie Daniels, Chris Potter, Pete Christlieb, Jim Snidero, Chris Vadala, Grover Washington, Jr.


The legacy that Master Chief Underwood began over 30 years ago has evolved into the largest two-day saxophone conference in the United States. The goal of the symposium has always been to provide a hands-on learning experience for saxophonists of all ages and abilities.


Now under the leadership of Navy Band saxophonist Senior Chief Musician Timothy E. Roberts, the symposium has expanded to provide more clinics and masterclasses than ever before. In 2003, Senior Chief Roberts and his team instituted the College Quartet Series, sparking an increased interest in saxophone chamber music by college and university students throughout the country. He has also continued the tradition of inviting international guest artists, and in the past ten years the Band has featured soloists from Argentina, Canada, China, Croatia, England, France, Hong Kong, Japan, the Netherlands and Sweden.


The history of the symposium is preserved on the Navy Band website. Using historical materials, pictures, sound clips and programs, the website seeks to be a year-round resource for all saxophonists.