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  • Amodei statement on attacks against U.S. Foreign Service in Libya and Egypt

    "The assassination of the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya is no different from the evil we witnessed 11 years ago. They died in honorable service to our country and we grieve with their families.

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  • Amodei statement on 11th anniversary of September 11 terrorist attacks

    "On a day when we witnessed unimaginable evil perpetuated by cowards, we can instead remember the 2,977 victims and their families, the bravery of the first responders, the heroism of Flight 93, and the dedication of our service men and women

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  • Amodei introduces Carlin lands bill

    "Carlin's situation is the sort of problem we would like to have more of in Nevada. Thanks to the high-paying jobs created by the mining industry, Carlin needs room for growth, particularly housing.

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  • Amodei introduces Fernley lands bill

    "As is the case in many of Nevada's communities, Fernley is a complicated checkerboard of public lands controlled by different federal land managers, which can make planning and economic development a difficult proposition.

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