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Wagner College: Civic Innovations Assessment Report

Amy Spring
Publication Date: 
Wagner College

Civic Innovations (CI) is a strategic collaboration between Wagner College and youth serving agencies on Staten Island. Wagner faculty members work with these agencies to develop courses and projects that engage Wagner students and address the academic, social and emotional needs of disadvantaged youth. Wagner students serve as mentors and tutors, facilitate health education programs, and collect data that informs policy development. At the same time, Wagner students enhance their skills in citizenship, leadership and communication. Civic Innovations has transformed college and community dynamics. Wagner has made institutional and curricular changes that integrate experiential learning pedagogy and civic engagement values. At the same time, college students and faculty have used their expertise to enhance programming tailored to the needs of community agencies. In addition, the model coordinates services and provides a means for community-based organizations to share resources.

Call Number: 
Electronic Availability: 
Available online
Library Item Type: 
Electronic resource - book/monograph
Area of Service: 
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Topics: Theory & Practice: