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Trademark Information Network (TMIN) VIDEOS

TMIN icon and hyperlinks to USPTO webpage featuring videos

First-time filer?  Confused by trademark application terms?  Interested in saving time and money during the application process?  For your convenience, the USPTO presents TMIN, the Trademark Information Network.  Here you can view news broadcast-style videos that cover important topics and critical application filing tips.  

While these videos provide pertinent suggestions and legal information, they are not considered legal advice.  For information about legal advice and the use of an attorney to help you through the application process, click here.

The “Watch Video” links below connect you to the videos on the USPTO YouTube channel.  The videos are also accessible by clicking the "Video" button on the USPTO Facebook page.

ACCESSIBILITY NOTE: For those viewers requiring closed captioning and audio descriptions, please use the “Enhanced Accessibility Versions” of the videos linked below.  To view videos in this format, you must have Windows Media Player installed.  For information about downloading Windows Media Player, click here.  To turn closed captioning on and off, type "Ctrl+Shift+C."

Questions or comments about any of the videos?  Please contact

1. VIDEO: "Introduction to the USPTO and Trademark Basics"

This video outlines the differences between trademarks, patents, and copyrights, and introduces the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and its Trademark Information Network (TMIN) series.   It provides information about the federal trademark registration process, as well as highlights the rights and protection you gain by federally registering your trademark.   The video also features brief interviews with the USPTO's top-level executives: the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property, the Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property, and the Commissioner for Trademarks. 

2. VIDEO: "Before You File"

This video provides an overview of the most important issues you should be aware of when filing a trademark application.  It covers such topics as trademark availability searching, ownership information, differences between drawings and specimens, identifications of goods and services, and filing bases.  Failure to understand these topics can create major deficiencies in your application or result in an application that is void from the start.

3. VIDEO: "Searching"

This video focuses on the importance of conducting a search of existing trademarks before filing your trademark application.   It provides a brief overview of (1) the concept of "likelihood of confusion;" (2) the effect of being the first to file; and (3) the USPTO's Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS).  It is critical that you conduct a search for conflicting marks before you file, as the existence of a mark that is confusingly similar to yours and used with related goods and/or services may bar registration of your mark.

4. VIDEO: "Applicant Information"

This video focuses on what is meant by the term “applicant.”  Failure to understand this concept and a failure to identify the “applicant” correctly in the application may result in a void application.

5. VIDEO: "Drawing Issues"

This video focuses on what is meant by the term “drawing.”  Because you may amend your mark “drawing” only in rare circumstances during the application process, it is critical that you understand this concept before filing.

6. VIDEO: "Goods and Services"

This video focuses on what is meant by the phrase “identification of goods and services.”  Failure to identify your goods and/or services correctly may result in major delays in the prosecution of your application.  In some cases, an incorrect identification may prevent registration of your mark.

7. VIDEO: "Filing Basis Information"

This video focuses on what is meant by the term “basis.”  It also provides specifics about the filing requirements for both Section 1(a), Use-in-Commerce, and Section 1(b), Intent-to-Use-in-Commerce, filing bases.  Selecting the correct basis is important, as an incorrect basis can result in delays or require the payment of otherwise unnecessary fees.

8. VIDEO: "Specimen"

This video focuses on what is meant by the term “specimen.”  It provides examples of acceptable specimens and highlights the differences between a “drawing” and a “specimen.”  As the “specimen” issue is commonly misunderstood, watching this video should help you avoid mistakes made by other applicants.

9. VIDEO: "After You File"

This video provides an overview of the most important issues you should be aware of after filing your application.  It covers such topics as using the USPTO’s electronic resources to keep your application current, who to contact with questions, and what you must do to avoid abandonment.

10. VIDEO: "Post-Registration Issues"

This video provides an overview of the most important issues you should be aware of after your application has matured into a registration.  The video explains the required maintenance documents that you must file to keep your registration alive, as well as discusses an optional filing to enhance the legal strength of your registration.  Failure to file the required maintenance documents discussed in this video can result in the cancellation of your registration.

11. VIDEO: "Counterfeit Goods: What's the Harm?"

This video highlights the pervasive harm that counterfeit goods cause.  Counterfeiting reaches into all aspects of our daily lives, threatens our health and safety, and negatively impacts U.S. jobs and the overall economy.  The video also includes practical tips on how to spot counterfeit goods and avoid buying them.


United States Patent and Trademark Office
This page is owned by Trademarks.
Last Modified: 5/2/2012 7:06:56 AM