State Of Arizona Arizona Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
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Arizona DBE Program

The DBE program is intended to remedy past and current discrimination against disadvantaged businesses. It ensures a “level playing field” and fosters equal opportunity in all Department of Transportation assisted contracts that include highway, transit and airport programs.

Arizona Unified Certification Program (UCP)

The Arizona UCP has been established to facilitate statewide DBE certification. The UCP eliminates the need for DBE applicant businesses to obtain certification from multiple agencies, and provides reciprocity within Arizona. The Arizona Department of Transportation, City of Phoenix, and the City of Tucson are members of the Arizona UCP. The official UCP DBE database includes DBE firms certified by these three agencies. Bidders who are meeting goals on FAA and FTA contracts being let by other in-state entities can only use the DBEs certified by the Arizona UCP.

ADOT's 2007 Newsletter

Contact Information For Participating Entities:

ADOT Arizona Department
of Transportation

Civil Rights Office
1135 N. 22nd Ave. 2nd Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85009
(602) 712-7761
City Of Phoenix  City of Phoenix
Equal Opportunity Department
Business Relations Division
251 W. Washington St. 7th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85003
(602) 262-6790 or
(602) 534-1557/TTY
City Of Tucson City of Tucson
Equal Opportunity Office
201 North Stone Avenue, 3rd Floor North
P.O. Box 27210
Tucson, AZ 85726-7210
(520) 791-4593

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