ACofS Engineer, FKEN



Welcome to ACofS Engineer (FKEN)!  We turn ideas into reality.  Within this web page you can find current information about our mission, staff organization, contact phone numbers and links to relevant information.   We want you to be able to learn who we are and what we do during your virtual visit.

Please contact our webmaster at 723-6365 if you have any questions or notice any errors on our site.


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USFK Engineers advises the Commander in Chief, U.S. Forces Korea on:

  • Theater Master Planning (Vision,  Stationing - Resourcing)
  • Military Construction (MILCON)
  • Host Nation Funded Construction (HNFC)
  • Exercise Related Construction (ERC)
  • Real Estate Acquisition and Disposal (SOFA Subcommittee)
  • Family Housing Initiatives
  • Environmental Policies and Programs (SOFA Subcommittee)
  • Topographic/Geospatial Information Systems Engineering
  • Contingency Operations; Construction, Maintenance and Repair of facilities and infrastructure
  • Engineer Transition to War Planning

USFK ACofS Engineer organizes and trains his staff to execute Armistice and Contingency responsibilities.  During Armistice, USFK ACofS Engineer develops the theater master plan; acquires and maintains facilities and areas for USFK stationing and training; develops and enforces the commander’s environmental policy; develops and maintains engineer portions of the operation plan for USFK and plans Theater GI&S support. 

During contingencies USFK ACofS Engineer plans and oversees execution of engineer operations and advises the commander on wartime engineering, real estate and theater mapping requirements.



USFK Engineer is a unique community with a reputation of excellence.  An organization that provides the Commander maximum flexibility for Theater Operations.