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USFK Training

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Combating Trafficking in Persons Annual Training

Combating Trafficking in Persons Annual Training
Photo Credit: Dept of Labor

Combating Trafficking in Persons Annual Training Requirement (S: 10 Feb 12 to USFK J1)

1. Purpose. Per DoDI 2200.01, all DoD Military and Civilian Personnel are required to receive annual refresher training on Combating Trafficking In Persons (CTIP). Although not mandatory for Contractors, completion is strongly encouraged.  Contractors are not required to train their personnel on CTIP; however, FAR subpart 22.17 (Reference(j)) states that the presence of a CTIP awareness program is a factor for the contracting officer to consider as a mitigating factor when determining remedies (per DoDI 2200.01, 15 Sep 10). 

2. Training. All USFK HQ, Subordinate and Direct Reporting Units will complete mandatory CTIP refresher training by - Suspense 10 February 2012. Training should be accomplished preferably on Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) or the alternative power point presentation attached.

a. AKO/DKO accounts. Access the training by clicking the "Joint Knowledge Online" link after logging in. On the following page click the "TAKE COURSES" link in the upper right corner and select Course J3TA-US030: Combating Traffic king in Persons - Section 001 (mandatory general awareness). 

b. No AKO/DKO account. Access CTIP training from Joint Knowledge Online. Register for an account at

c. The JKO web site has had access challenges over the couple weeks.  The training is also available on the JKDDC website at You are required to have an AKO or DKO user name and password to enter the JKO Learning Management system.  You will be asked to update your “User Information” and then be directed to the JKO home page.  From there, three tabs should come up listing “Joint Courses, COCOM Courses and Curriculum.”  Select the first tab, “Joint Courses” and then click on the J3T tab. Find and select Course J3TA-US030: Human Trafficking and then click on Enroll.  Contact Joint Knowledge Online Help Desk if you are having technical difficulties:, (757)203-5654  DSN 668-5654 if you need assistance.

3. Validation of Training. Only printed certificates (available online with JKO) or approved sign-in rosters from organizations can validate this training completion.  Those that have already completed the CTIP refresher training anytime in 2011, do not have to repeat training and can provide certificate of completion to directorate lead for validation.  For example, the Air Force course for Human Relations (ZZ133080) counts as completing this CTIP training.  Also, the Navy’s Certificate of Completion for the Trafficking in Persons Basic Awareness Training counts towards completion of this annual training requirement.  The 350-2 Theater Specific Required Training does not count because it only covers a small portion of this total CTIP briefing requirement.

4. Training Completion Reporting Requirements.

For USFK HQs, each Directorate and Special Assistants Office should identify a Directorate Lead and Branch/Division POCs to facilitate completion of the training for all assigned personnel.  Once online training or CTIP briefing slides are reviewed, all personnel will forward the Training Completion Certificate or approved roster to their respective Branch or Division POC who will track the completion of all assigned personnel and forward all certificates to the USFK J1 at .
(Note: Training Completion Certificates will be available for printing after the training is completed).  Directorate Leads will consolidate one directorate roster using attached form, enclosure (2), to include personnel that have received the training and those that did not receive the training due to TAD, Leave etc. One single Directorate Lead will forward the Directorate roster ONLY, directly to the CTIP POC in USFK J1 at by the 10 Feb 12.  Weekly status report updates are required by noon each Friday until 100% complete.

You will need an AKO account to complete the training on-line at JKO.
But due to the JKO web site challenge, briefing slides are available to review and complete this training.

Training & Policy Statement Links


CTIP Resources and References


Contact Us

Questions or concerns dealing with this CTIP Annual Training requirement should be directed to the USFK J1, Chief, Policy and Programs, USFK J1, DSN 723-5632  or