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Water Operations


AgriMet is a satellite-based network of agricultural weather stations located throughout the Pacific Northwest.
  Map of Agrimet Sites
  Current Weather Data


Hydromet supplies near real-time information for many river basins in the Pacific Northwest.
  Reservoir Storage Diagrams
  Hydromet Stations
  Boat Ramp Elevations
Water Conservation Field Services
Water Conservation Field Services encourages water conservation and efficient use of water supplies on Reclamation's projects.
Water Supply Update
The runoff forecast percentages in the Water Supply Update represent operating forecasts prepared by Reclamation, and may differ in values and timeframes from those published by the National Weather Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service. For official forecasts please contact those agencies.
09/2012 2012 Water Year Reports PDF 105 kb
  2011 Water Year Reports PDF 136 kb
  2010 Water Year Reports PDF 339 kb
  2009 Water Year Reports PDF 164 kb
  2008 Water Year Reports PDF 241 kb
  2007 Water Year Reports PDF 654 kb
River Flow Data
Northwest river flows provided by USGS:
  Idaho Streamflow Data  
  Oregon Streamflow Data  
  Washington Streamflow Data  

Last Update: September 13, 2012 10:18 AM