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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

Types of Forensics Investigations

Different types of investigations are needed in different cases. For example, investigators use different techniques to solve arson, murder and kidnapping. In various cases, investigators must be able to find and analyze evidence, locate suspects and identify victims. Training in proper investigative procedures and access to tools and resources can help an investigator close a case successfully.

NIJ is interested in enhancing the forensic aspects of investigations, making awards to fund the creation and maintenance of investigative resources such as investigation manuals, missing persons databases, and training courses. NIJ has funded research and development in several areas relevant to investigations, including evidence preservation, fire dynamics and tools for evidence identification. NIJ also offers assistance to state and local agencies to identify, review and investigate cold cases that have the potential to be solved through DNA analysis.

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Date Modified: September 11, 2012