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From Soft Skills to Hard Data: Measuring Youth Program Outcomes

David L. DuBois
Peter Ji
Forum for Youth Investment
Publication Date: 
Forum for Youth Investment
From Soft Skills to Hard Data: Measuring Youth Program Outcomes

The guide address a common problem throughout the youth field: We know that out-of-school time (OST) programs can help youth develop skills and attributes they need to be ready for college, work and life—skills and attributes like communications, relationships and collaboration, critical thinking and decision making, and initiative and self-direction. But few OST programs have the tools to effectively measure those outcomes. Finding the right one can be daunting. From Soft Skills to Hard Data reviews eight youth outcome measurement tools that are appropriate for use in after-school and other settings. For each tool, it provides sample items and crucial information about usability, cost, and evidence of reliability and validity. A companion to the Forum’s Measuring Youth Program Quality, the guide can help providers select conceptually grounded, psychometrically sound measures appropriate for programs that serve upper-elementary- through high school-aged youth.

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Available online
Library Item Type: 
Electronic resource - book/monograph
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