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Meet the Musician

Senior Chief Musician William P. Gray,

Assistant Operations Chief

MUCS William P. Gray

Senior Chief Musician William Gray, a native of Toledo, Ohio, joined the Navy Band in 1992.  He earned a Bachelor of Music Education from The University of Toledo in 1981 and a Master of Music from Indiana University in 1984 in tuba performance.  He attended the Brevard Music Center Summer Festival from 1978-1983 where he performed the Ralph Vaughan Williams “Tuba Concerto” as a competition winner.  He was principal tubist with the Orquesta Filarmónica de Santiago, Chile from 1984-1992 and was also a guest soloist with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Concepción, Chile.  His teachers include Jamie Hafner and Harvey Phillips. Gray serves as the Navy Band assistant operations chief, command transportation supervisor and serves on the command training team.

Gray also performs with the Quintessential Brass Quintet and is an active private instructor in Northern Virginia.  He enjoys swimming and actively supports the local youth symphony.