Today's Military:

Military Recruiting FAQ

If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact a recruiter.

What should candidates and parents ask recruiters?
Whatever they are curious about! Recruiters are the very best source of information about what the Military is like, what young people can get from the Service and all the steps in the process of recruiting. It matters that people get accurate and current information, and recruiters are the best resource for answers to even the most difficult questions regarding the Service. For more info, also review questions to ask a recruiter or what to expect from a recruiter.


Don’t recruiters just pressure young people to sign up?
Recruiters are there to find the right recruits, not just any recruits. The image of military recruiters as high-pressure people who stop at nothing to get a candidate to sign on the dotted line is not only old-fashioned – it’s wrong. The Military needs candidates with the ability and the real desire to join. As such, pressuring people to join would do a disservice to both the recruit and to the Military.


How can I find a recruiter to talk with?
A recruiter is the best resource to what the Military – and the specific Service he or she represents – is truly all about. To find a recruiter in your area, use our recruiter locator.


Why won’t a recruiter call me back/return e-mails, etc.?
If you have made attempts to reach a local recruiter but received no contact, try again. And if you are having trouble finding a recruiter, be sure to visit our recruiter locator to make sure you locate a recruiter convenient to you.


What’s the difference between a recruiter and an advisor?
There is no difference. All recruiters are advisors, helping you understand more about the options that are available to young people today.


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