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Other Markets: Weather - Forecasts, Heating & Cooling Degree Days
Federal Agency Websites with Weather Information
  *Note: all the links below are to external websites

Weather Topics:

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
    National Weather Service (NWS) The homepage of the National Weather Service can get you started towards any question concerning weather data, maps, forecasts, severe weather, past weather, etc.

      Site Index
      Search alphabetically for anything you want to know about weather information and data provided by the Weather Service.

      Degree Day Statistics
      The degree day is a quantitative index demonstrated to reflect demand for energy to heat or cool houses or businesses. Cumulative cooling degree days or heating degree days is an important factor to consider in any energy demand analysis. This webpage provides weekly, monthly and archival data for cities, states and census regions.

      Degree Day Maps
      The degree day is a quantitative index demonstrated to reflect demand for energy to heat or cool houses or businesses. This link takes you to a map-oriented look at seasonal and weekly degree day accumulations.

      Long Range and Seasonal Forecasts
      This is the source for the Weather Service's analysis of upcoming weekly, monthly and seasonal forecasts.

      National Hurricane Center
      Hurricanes can damage energy infrastructure, curtail oil and gas production, and significantly affect energy usage. The National Hurricane Center webpage provides the latest advisories and warnings, predicted storm tracks, wind speeds and hurricane history.

      Northwest Hydro
      Hydropower generation from the Pacific Northwest is an important component of supply to that region and to California during the summer. The Northwest River Forecast Center website provides climatology, snow depths, runoff, forecast data and much more.

National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC)
    Situation Report PDF
    During dry seasons and droughts, wildfires in close proximity to transmission lines can cause operators to de-rate or totally shut down those lines. Here is a link to the daily wildfire situation report.

US Department of Agriculture
Non-Governmental Resources
    The Weather Underground website is a non-governmental source for complete national and international weather information and data.  The website also features technical and non-technical weather summaries and blogs along with numerous links to governmental, academic and independent resources.  The site is very popular with energy commodity traders and analysts.

Updated: September 7, 2012