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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

Domestic Violence Courts: Victim Advocacy and Advocacy Services

Victim advocates may be based within the criminal justice system or independent of it. They help victims navigate the judicial process and restore their lives after a domestic violence crisis. According to a recent survey, advocates participate in about 80 percent of domestic violence courts in the U.S. [1]

Advocates can:

  • Accompany victims to court.
  • Help with safety planning.
  • Explain the criminal justice process.
  • Provide housing referrals.
  • Facilitate prosecution of the offender.
  • Provide counseling.


[1] Labriola, M., S. Bradley, C.S., O’Sullivan, M. Rempel, S. Moore, A National Portrait of Domestic Violence Courts (pdf, 161 pages), Final report to the National Institute of Justice, grant number 2006-WG-BX-0001, NCJ 229659.

Date Created: June 30, 2011