Stopping Tuberculosis

Boys holding up sign in Ghana that TB is cureable
Tristan Bayly, KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, Netherlands

Tuberculosis (TB) is a centuries old disease that kills 1.4 million people every year. While there are effective treatments, failure to complete them properly and mismanagement of TB medicines result in resurgence of TB that resists our available treatment tools. Without careful stewardship and aggressive treatment, TB could once again become an untreatable worldwide concern. 

USAID is working with 28 countries to improve TB services. These efforts save lives and prevent the spread of TB. By acting in a concerted manner on TB, now we can reduce the potential of drug resistant TB in the future.

By 2014, we will:

  • Contribute to a 50 percent reduction in TB deaths and disease burden from the 1990 baseline.
  • Sustain or exceed the detection of at least 70 percent of sputum smear-positive cases of TB and successfully treating at least 85 percent of cases detected in countries with established U.S. Government tuberculosis programs.
  • Successfully treat 2.6 million new sputum smear-positive TB patients under DOTS programs by 2014–primarily through support for needed services, commodities, health workers, and training, and additional treatment through coordinated multilateral efforts.
  • Diagnose and initiate treatment of at least 57,200 new multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB cases by 2014, and provide additional treatment through coordinated multilateral efforts. 
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Last updated: July 27, 2012