U.S. Department of Commerce


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Classroom Resources

Students outside a one room school house
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Students outside their one-room school house, ca. 1900
Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress.

In this section, we provide materials to assist you in integrating lessons about censuses into subjects like history, civics, reading, geography, and math. Use this information in conjunction with the elementary, middle, and high school lesson plans posted on this website or create your own.

If you've created a lesson plan that uses census data to teach about a historical topic, would you be interested in sharing it on this website with other teachers? If so, e-mail it to the U.S. Census Bureau's History Staff.

Are you interested in learning more about what's new with the Census Bureau's Statistics in Schools program? Download the latest Census in Schools Educator Update newsletter.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Census History Staff | Last Revised: August 30, 2012