National Winter Storms Operations Plan



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The National Winter Storms Operations Plan (16.9 MB)

***ATTENTION***: The full version of the National Winter Storms Operations Plan (NWSOP) is password protected, as online distribution of flight track information (Appendices F, G, H, and I) is available to personnel that have an operational need. If you need to obtain access to the full version of the NWSOP, please send an email to:
Subject: National Winter Storms Operations Plan Flight Track Information
Body: Attn: Executive Secretary, Working Group for Hurricane and Winter Storms Operations and Research

By Section:  
Opening Pages Cover, Foreword, and Table of Contents
(146 KB)
Chapter 1 Responsibilities of Cooperating Agencies
(33 KB)
Chapter 2 Aircraft Reconnaissance
(84 KB)
Chapter 3 Other Observations
(22 KB)
Chapter 4 Communications
(14 KB)
Chapter 5 Publicity
(14 KB)
Appendix A Abbreviations
(25 KB)
Appendix B Definitions
(25 KB)
Appendix C Air Traffic Control Clearance Letter
(25 KB)
Appendix D Altitude Reservation Approval Request
(14 KB)
Appendix E Format for NHOP/NWSOP Flight Information for International and Domestic NOTAM Issuance
(16 KB)
Appendix F* Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Flight Tracks
(3.3 MB)
Appendix G* Alaskan Flight Tracks
(2.4 MB)
Appendix H* Hawaiian Flight Tracks
( 653 KB)
Appendix I* Japanese Flight Tracks
(9.2 MB)
Appendix J Official Interagency Agreements
(689 KB)
Appendix K Recco HDOB, and Temp Drop Codes, Tables and Regulations
(341 KB)
Appendix L Reconnaissance Organizations Contact Information
(25 KB)
Appendix M Distribution
(26 KB)
*ATTENTION FOR APPENDICES F, G, H, AND I: Online distribution of flight track information (Appendices F, G, H, and I) is available to personnel that have an operational need. Therefore, the information is password protected. If you need to obtain access to the flight track information, please send an email to:
Subject: National Winter Storms Operations Plan Flight Track Information
Body: Attn: Executive Secretary, Working Group for Hurricane and Winter Storms Operations and Research

Links to older versions:
2005 National Winter Storms Operations Plan (w/ Chg1 2007)
2004 National Winter Storms Operations Plan

2000 National Winter Storms Operations Plan
1998 National Winter Storms Operations Plan
Last Updated: February 24, 2012