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CSM Notes

rss feed [archived] USFK Command Sergeant Major Notes

Preparing for the Future

May 01, 2010 - It is time to start thinking about your future. This has been said to me many times over my career and some times I listened and some times I did not.

Commander’s Priorities and Intent

April 01, 2010 - As I watched our respective teams work through KEY RESOLVE ’10 over the last couple weeks, one lesson learned continued to get my attention…Everyone, yes, everyone must know their commander’s priorities.

Diversity and Bias

January 11, 2010 - We have all heard the military leadership talk about diversity but do you really understand what they mean? Many people think that diversity is just another word for Equal Opportunity; others think it is a type of affirmative action program. But it is neither of those.

Use Teamwork to Reach Your Goals

December 01, 2009 - As we wind down the year and look forward to the holiday season, it’s a good time to look back and ask yourself “did I accomplish what I set out to do this year?”

Thanksgiving Day Message 2009

November 16, 2009 - To all of our service members and your families I would like to wish all of you the happiest of Thanksgiving Days. I hope that you find sometime over this weekend to reflect on what you have to be thankful for and take the time to thank those who have helped you along the way.

Summer Safety

July 01, 2009 - The great outdoors is calling you!!!! Korea offers some great outdoor recreation opportunities. There are beaches, white water rafting, camping, fishing, even a mud festival. This is a great time to go out and explore Korea and see all of its wonders.

What is Leadership?

June 01, 2009 - What is leadership? To me, it’s one of those qualities that you recognize when you see it, but it’s difficult to describe. There are many “correct” definitions, but the one I prefer is: “leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it a more cohesive and coherent team.”

Standards and Discipline

May 01, 2009 - I look at the recent rise in the acts of indiscipline as a failure of training as the alternative view is that we have Service Members who are willfully violating the standards. Now that everyone knows the standard it is incumbent on all service members to have the discipline to adhere to those standards and live up to the values inherent in their service.

Suicide Hurts Everyone

April 01, 2009 - The most likely person to see the signs of suicide are the close friends and roommates of the affected person. If someone seems to be struggling ask them if you can help, it might be all it takes to prevent an irreversible decision on their part.

Spring in Korea

March 01, 2009 - The uniqueness of USFK gives us all an opportunity to experience a level of unity that is not always possible and in applying a high morale we have the ability to accomplish many great things.

Diversity, Dignity and Respect

January 01, 2009 - Our Armed Services are distinguished by some of the most diverse workforces and environments one could ever find; our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen are all defenders of freedom from various different races, cultures, languages and backgrounds.

Reflecting on 2008

December 31, 2008 - To all service members as you reflect on 2008 it has been a very busy and exciting year for US Forces Korea. In 2008 we have set the senior level command teams that will lead US Forces Korea for the next several years.


October 01, 2008 - The shopping here in Korea is great. As a teenager, my uncle served in the Marine Corps and was stationed in Okinawa, Japan. He frequented Korea often just to shop for great deals.


September 01, 2008 - These days, one hardly needs to perform a detailed document search to discover rise in careerism, accompanied by a decline in cohesion and professionalism. To counter this in our military services we have long-established traditions of customs and courtesies.

Standards and Discipline

August 01, 2008 - As of 15 August the new changes to Curfew Policy # 7, and the interim policy change to USFK Regulation 190-1 will go into effect.

Honor, Courage, and Commitment

July 01, 2008 - During my time in military service to our country I have had the pleasure of deploying to foreign soil and viewing many things that others seldom have the opportunity to witness.

The Future Force

June 01, 2008 - The military depends on our ability to recruit qualified people into our services. Currently it is getting more and more difficult to find qualified individuals to join our services.


May 01, 2008 - The subject of integrity is one that we dare not ignore.


April 01, 2008 - Last week I attended the Quarterly Commanders Conference along with all of the Senior Leaders from all the services. We talked over many issues and concerns.

Thank You

March 01, 2008 - On 11 Feb 2008, we conducted a Change of Responsibility between me and CSM Wheeler. We also conducted a Retirement ceremony in recognition of CSM Wheeler’s 35 years of service as a Soldier.

CSM Wheeler Retirement Speech

February 11, 2008 - Command Sergeant Major Change of Responsibility & Retirement Ceremonty. Knight Field, 11 February 2008.

Thank You

February 01, 2008 - On 11 Feb 2008, I will leave the Army after 35 years of being a Soldier. When I entered the Army in 1973, the war in Viet Nam was drawing down and the birth of an all volunteer service had begun.

Enlisted Education

January 01, 2008 - Welcome to the New Year. As we all take stock in of what we have accomplished so far in our lives and careers and set our new goals for the New Year look close at your educational opportunities.

Happy Holidays!

December 01, 2007 - The holiday season is once again here! It seems to come quicker and quicker every year.

Seventh Air Force Command Chief Perspective

November 01, 2007 - It is hard to believe that I have been in the military for almost 30 years now. A lot has changed since I went to Basic Training in 1978, yet a lot is still the same. One thing that has not changed is the caliber of our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines.