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State and Private Forestry


Proper Management of Federal Grants
Support of Salaries and Wages


On December 7, 2011 the USDA Forest Service hosted a webinar training tailored more specifically for recipients of federal grants. The webinar focused on how to properly document salaries and wages according to federal laws, regulations, and policies.

The webinar training focused on salary cost allocation requirements in the Office of Management and Budget Circulars. The training was intended for the following audiences:

  • Recipients of federal grants (states, local governments, Non-profits, For-profits, Indian Tribal governments, educational institutions, etc)
  • Forest Service program managers overseeing federal grants
  • Forest Service Grants & Agreements specialists

--> USDA Forest Service Salary Training Adobe


Below is the Question & Answer transcript for the majority of questions asked during the webinar. For any discrepancy between answers provided during the live webinar and this written transcript, please defer to the written transcript, or contact your Program Manager or Grants & Agreements Specialist for clarification. 

--> Link to Q&A's


A recording of the live Dec 7, 2011 webinar can be accessed via the following link:

--> View Recording

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Only the Microsoft Office Live Meeting Replay version works.  Do not attempt to access the High Fidelity Presentation version.

If the above link does not work, go to the following URL and enter the recording ID:

    Subject: Management of Federal Grants - Salary Training (Dec 7 2011)
    Recording URL:
    Recording ID: SalaryTrainingDecember2011-1

If you have trouble accessing this webinar recording, please refer to the Live Meeting Assistance Center at


The SF-425 and instructions are available at:

The Circulars and documents outlined below were discussed during the training webinar and are available at:

  • States, Local and Indian Tribal Governments:
    2 CFR 225, Cost Principles (formerly OMB Circular A-87)  
    OMB Circular A-102, Uniform Administrative Requirements
  • Educational Institutions:
    2 CFR 220, Cost Principles (formerly OMB Circular A-21) 
    2 CFR 215, Uniform Administrative Requirements (formerly OMB Circular A-110)
  • Non-Profit Organizations:
    2 CFR 230, Cost Principles (formerly OMB Circular A-122) 
    2 CFR 215, Uniform Administrative Requirements (formerly OMB Circular A-110)
  • For-Profit Organizations:
    48 FAR Part 31 – Cost Principles and Procedures and 2 CFR 215, Uniform Administrative Requirements (formerly OMB Circular A-110) 

For further information please contact:
Training content - Melissa Moreira:  703-605-4776




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 Last Modified: Friday, Jun 01, 2012 at 11:56 AM EDT