Archive: 1st ID

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  • Combined Security Forces train at KTC

    May 21, 2011

    Iraqi Army soldiers, Iraqi Police officers and Kurdish Regional Guard Brigade members commenced joint training at Kirkuk Training Center to become candidates for the Combined Security Forces, known as the "Golden Lions," May 17-18.

  • US, Iraqi forces evaluate training during Operation Iron Lion

    May 21, 2011

    Soldiers of 12th Iraqi Army Division demonstrated the ability to conduct missions independent of U.S. forces' involvement during a situational training exercise at Contingency Operating Location K1, near Kirkuk, Iraq, May 16.

  • History in the Closing

    May 21, 2011

    Coverage of closure of COL McHenry base and its impact to the advise, train and assist mission of Soldiers stationed in Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Iraqi New Dawn

  • Aviation brigade NCOs get training at Fort Riley ASAP

    May 20, 2011

    About 60 noncommissioned officers from the Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, attended a professional development program at Fort Riley's Army Substance Abuse Program center, May 19. The brigade recently returned from a tour to Iraq, and is focusing some of its effort on developing its NCOs. This program was designed as a reminder of the services ASAP offers.

  • Fort Riley Soldiers receive special aviation award

    May 20, 2011

    Twenty one Fort Riley Soldiers joined the ranks of one of Army aviation's most distinguished orders in a ceremony May 19 on Fort Riley. Soldiers with the Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division's 3rd Assault Helicopter Battalion, 1st Aviation Regiment, were inducted into the Order of Saint Michael for their service during the unit's recent Iraq tour.

  • 1st Infantry Division commander salutes Tuskegee Airmen

    May 17, 2011

    The commanding general of the "Big Red One" applauded the contributions of America's first black military aviators during a dinner celebrating the Tuskegee Airmen May 14. "Tuskegee Airmen are an inspiration, for me and for many generations yet to come," said Maj. Gen. Vincent Brooks, commanding general of the 1st Inf. Div. and Fort Riley. "They live on in each of us who commit to the principals that made them successful so long ago."

  • Rocker, solo country artist performs at Fort Riley

    May 12, 2011

    FORT RILEY, Kan. - "One of the most autobiographical songs I've ever written," was the way Aaron Lewis, country solo artist and lead singer of the rock band, "Staind," described his new single, "Country Boy." The song, which debuted at No. 1 on the country music Billboard charts, was the last song he sang before a crowd of about 1,500 people in a concert April 30 on Marshall Army Airfield. Lewis also performed music from Staind and his new solo country EP, "Town Line."

  • 'Big Red One' commander says Fort Riley closing in on Premier Installation Distinction

    May 12, 2011

    Fort Riley is well on its way to being the Army's premier division-level installation the post's senior commander said May 11 in an update to post and community leaders on the Fort Riley 2015 Campaign Plan.

  • Youth, local employers partner during job fair

    Mar 25, 2011

    FORT RILEY, Kan. - Kyle Doughall, 14, was looking for a job to earn some extra money at the first Child, Youth and School Services and Employee Readiness Program's Youth Job Fair and Volunteer Opportunities event March 12 at the Forsyth East Child Development Center.

  • Fort Riley conducts its first virtual community forum

    Mar 25, 2011

    FORT RILEY, Kan. - From left to right, Brian Beauregard, program director, Picerne Military Housing; Scott Rhodes, Riley TV producer; Garrison Commander Col. Kevin Brown; and Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Colvin Bennett Sr. sit on the set of the first virtual Fort Riley Community Forum Mach 11. Subject matter experts, like Beauregard, were on-hand to answer more than 15 questions, submitted to the Fort Riley Facebook page and called in on the hotline 240-TOWN (8696).

  • 97th MPs solidify partnership with local high school

    Mar 25, 2011

    JUNCTION CITY, Kan. - Junction City High School and Soldiers with the 97th Military Police Battalion formalized their previously informal partnership with a Partnership Charter Signing Ceremony March 18 in the JCHS school gymnasium.

  • Casey gets sense of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal training progress at Fort Ril

    Mar 25, 2011

    The chief of staff of the Army visited Fort Riley March 24, to conduct sensing sessions for the repeal of the law commonly known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

  • Leaders Visit as Fort Bragg BRAC Preparations Continue

    Mar 25, 2011

    FORT BRAGG, N.C. -Civilian leaders representing the U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) G3/5/7 Directorate traveled to Fort Bragg and Camp Mackall, N.C., March 23, for a first-hand look at temporary and permanent workspaces being readied for the relocation of the command's headquarters in accordance with the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure Legislation.

  • Fort Riley conducts its first virtual forum

    Mar 25, 2011

    FORT RILEY, Kan. - From left to right, Brian Beauregard, program director, Picerne Military Housing; Scott Rhodes, Riley TV producer; Garrison Commander Col. Kevin Brown; and Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Colvin Bennett Sr. sit on the set of the first virtual Fort Riley Community Forum March 11. Subject matter experts, like Beauregard, were on-hand to answer more than 15 questions, submitted to the Fort Riley Facebook page and called in on the hotline 240-TOWN (8696).

  • Army JROTC Program Soars At Columbia High

    Mar 24, 2011

    REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala.--Columbia High's fifth annual Army JROTC awards program March 16 recognized individual cadets with national and local honors. Garrison commander Col. John Hamilton was among the presenters.

  • Unmanned Aircraft Soar Into Future Roles

    Mar 24, 2011

    REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala.--The message came across loud and clear - unmanned aircraft systems are here to stay in the Department of Defense's joint forces fleet. From keynote presenter Dr. Steve Messervy of the Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command to Navy Capt. Gregory McGuire of the Joint Unmanned Aircraft Systems Center of Excellence, the speakers at the Pathfinder Symposium sponsored by Pathfinder Chapter of the Association of Unmanned Systems International at the Von Braun Center on March 16-17 reviewed technologies and new initiatives that will grow the role of unmanned aircraft systems across the services. The theme of the symposium was Unmanned Systems - A Roadmap to the Future.

  • Leaving With Gratitude For Community

    Mar 24, 2011

    REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala.--The Marines are marching on. And their presence at Redstone Arsenal will be sorely missed. Gone will be the young Marine privates anxious to make a good impression in their first-ever ammunition training class. Gone will be the Marine instructors who know what it takes to be the best ammunition tech in the military. Gone will be the units of Marines marching between classes, their barracks and the dining facility in the Arsenal's Gate 10 area.

  • Army leaders to focus on efforts to sustain Reserve Components as part of Total Army Force, cooperat

    Mar 24, 2011

    FORT McPHERSON, Ga. (March 24, 2011) - More than 200 senior Army leaders, commanders and their staff members from at least 30 states and territories will meet soon at Camp Robinson, near Little Rock, Ark., to discuss Army readiness priorities, involving the Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve forces. Their focus, "Sustaining the Reserve Components as part of the Total Force"," will detail discussions about the latest lessons learned and best practices to prepare units, Soldiers and their Families for war-time deployments; share how to better reset units upon their return; and preview innovative planning methods to provide these forces more stable, predictable deployment cycles in the future.

  • 'I Was There When This Happened'

    Mar 24, 2011

    REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala.--Like many of the world's devout believers, Lula Rochelle prays daily that the Japanese people will have the strength and fortitude to survive the troubles their country is facing after living through a devastating March 11 magnitude 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami

  • Army to celebrate Month of the Military Child

    Mar 24, 2011

    During April, U.S. military installations around the globe will recognize the contributions and sacrifices that servicemembers' sons and daughters make daily.

  • AFAP conference delegates in Atlanta surveyed about knowledge of Army Force Generation

    Mar 23, 2011

    ATLANTA, Ga. (Mar. 23, 2011) - About 50 delegates from U.S. Forces Command (FORSCOM) units nationwide here for the Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) Conference took part in a survey to gauge their knowledge of Army Force Generation. Consisting of 15 questions, the survey was conducted using FORSCOM's Survey Response System (SRS) that features automated anonymous response technology. This is done by providing each survey participant with a wireless, interactive, remote response device use to give quick, real-time answers to each question. The anonymity of the system makes participants more apt to offer honest feedback, said Lt. Col. Nicole Parker, chief of FORSCOM Public Affairs' Strategic Communication Team. The purpose of this particular survey was to help improve the qualitative and quantitative research about the effectiveness of Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) strategic communication efforts. The FORSCOM AFAP Conference delegates were chosen to take part in the survey, because they represented a broad, Command-wide audience.

  • Fort Riley remembers the unit's past to build for its future

    Mar 23, 2011

    An Arabian proverb states, "Every day of your life is a page of your history." For the Soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division, those pages date back nearly 94 years when the division, commonly known as the "Big Red One," was formed. More than 80 senior leaders of the 1st Inf. Div., accompanied by local Fort Riley community leaders, traveled to Chicago, Ill., March 6 to 9 to participate in a Senior Leaders' Conference at the 1st Division Museum at Cantigny Park.

  • Congressional delegation visits U.S. Division-South in Basrah

    Mar 23, 2011

    BASRAH, Iraq - Four members of the U.S. House of Representatives visited Contingency Operating Base Basrah yesterday, in the first Congressional visit to the southern Iraqi province since 2008.

  • Lifeliner Spotlight: Spc. Yolanda Goodman ensures mission safety

    Mar 23, 2011

    Soldier's aptitude for electronics ensures mission safety

  • Female aviators defy reported odds

    Mar 21, 2011

    According to a study released earlier this month by the Military Leadership Diversity Commission, women account for only 16 percent of leadership positions in the military - a seemingly staggering statistic to release during National Women's History Month. The numbers aren't so shocking when compared to the overall statistic of women serving in the military, which is 16.4 percent, according to a Sept. 30 report released by the Department of Defense.

  • CASCOM is app-solutely amazing

    Mar 18, 2011

    A small group of tech-savvy personnel from the Technology Integration Branch at the Combined Arms Support Command is leading the way in the development and implementation of applications for the military.

  • 36th Annual Culinary Arts Competition

    Mar 18, 2011

  • Votes are in: AFAP issues prioritized, presented to FORSCOM's senior leaders

    Mar 18, 2011

    The U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) 2011 Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) conference concluded Friday with the selection of five quality-of-life issues for referral to the senior leaders of the Army's largest organization for further consideration.

  • Machinist creates universal MRAP key

    Mar 18, 2011

    Innovations in military equipment and tools are often the result of many hours of research and development, along with the expenditure of significant amounts of taxpayer dollars.

  • 'Time To Connect With Our Feelings'

    Mar 17, 2011

    REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala.--With every step, Jenna Henderson is going forward into her future. For a long time, it seemed that proverbial saying "One step forward, two steps back" was coming true more often than not for this military wife, whose life had revolved around her husband's Army career.

  • Gray Eagle Launches Unmanned Testing

    Mar 17, 2011

    REDSTONE ARSENAL Ala.--Just the other day, the Gray Eagle was flying 8,000 feet above Hazel Green. Well, not actually. The flight was simulated. Cables and computers connected to a 28-foot-long Gray Eagle stationed in a high-bay area of the Software Engineering Directorate collected data as the unmanned aircraft flew a simulated flight across North Alabama. Engineers tracked its progress on ground control stations, much like what Soldiers would actually do if they were operating the unmanned aircraft in theater.

  • Putting the pieces back together: TF Duke treats mTBI with rest, games

    Mar 16, 2011

    Anyone who's been paying attention to sporting news knows that over the last few years there has been an exponentially increasing interest in the effects of concussions on players, especially in hockey and football. Indeed, the main subject of the NHL General Managers' annual meetings, going on this week in Boca Raton, Fla., will be concussions and checks targeting players' heads. But the issue of concussions, also known as mild traumatic brain injuries, is not one that only affects sports stars. Anyone that has had any sort of head injury is at risk of being affected, particularly Soldiers who have been struck by improvised explosive devices or other attacks.

  • TF Duke NCO motivated by Family, Soldiers

    Mar 15, 2011

    His reasons for joining the U.S. Army were ones frequently heard from countless other Soldiers; being inspired by a close relative and the chance to find himself and see some of the world. But Sgt. Cecil L. Montgomery still serves not simply because of an attachment to the past, but largely for two special reasons left behind in Kentucky, one of whom still gets around on all fours.

  • Governor, military leaders sign covenant

    Mar 11, 2011

    TOPEKA - Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback hosted senior military leaders from around the state for the signing of the Army Community Covenant and the continuation of the Governor's Military Council Feb. 24 at the state capitol in Topeka.

  • IMCOM commanding general, wife visit Fort Riley

    Mar 11, 2011

    FORT RILEY, Kan. - Fort Riley and the Central Flint Hills Region hosted a lieutenant general and his wife March 2 and 3. Installation Management Commanding General Lt. Gen. Rick Lynch and his wife, Sarah, visited the area to discuss strategies and sources of funding for higher education for military Families' research and outreach programs.

  • Fort Riley's 'Good Soldiers' at Kansas State University

    Mar 11, 2011

    In early 2007, David Finkel, a Pulitzer prize-winning writer with the Washington Post, was writing an article about then-Lt. Col. Ralph Kauzlarich's 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment when Kauzlarich pitched the idea for Finkel to do a mid-tour and after-tour article on his unit's upcoming deployment.

  • III Corps commanding general nominated for fourth star, TRADOC command

    Mar 10, 2011

    KILLEEN, Texas Aca,!" A Fort Hood official announced that the President nominated Fort Hood and III Corps Commanding General, Lt. Gen. Bob Cone, for promotion to general and command of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command at the conclusion of a general membership meeting of the Greater Killeen Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee here March 10.

  • Culinary kid shares kitchen with Top chefs

    Mar 9, 2011

    FORT LEE, Va. (March 10, 2011) -- For the past two weeks, the 36th Annual Culinary Arts Competition has been home to the military's most talented and passionate chefs, and one culinary kid who has an appetite for becoming a chef.

  • Unique Systems Engineering and HTI Approach Earns 2nd Generation FLIR the LTG Ferguson Award, Paves

    Mar 9, 2011

  • Ranger School seeks to fortify NCO numbers

    Mar 9, 2011

    The number of Ranger School instructors has grown from a "critical" deficit of 60 percent in September to 80 percent, with the number expected to grow in the next few months, officials at the Ranger Training Brigade reported.

  • Granddaughter's research yields Bronze Star for WWII hero

    Mar 8, 2011

    The family of a New Jersey World War II-era veteran received a posthumous Bronze Star commending the heroic actions of their loved one, Technician Fifth Grade John F. Morgan Jr., nearly 70 years after his heroic action in World War II.

  • Culinary Arts Competition: art of ice

    Mar 8, 2011

    FORT LEE, Va. (March 8, 2011) -- The 36th Annual Culinary Arts Competition is in its 11th day and the competition has heated up with the exception of the ice carving competition. It is one of the few events within the competition that doesn't require some sort of heating element. Several teams entered the event, sculpturing everything from Bugs Bunny to dragons. The U.S. Army Quartermaster School's Joint Culinary Center of Excellence hosts the Culinary Arts Competition. It includes competitors from all five Armed Services, who compete, attend classes in the culinary arts and interact with their peers. The American Culinary Federation-sanctioned event is the largest of its kind in North America.

  • Construction of FORSCOM's band building marches ahead

    Mar 7, 2011

    Already more than 65 percent complete, the FORSCOM Army Ground Forces BandAca,!a,,cs new training facility is moving ahead right on schedule for a late June handover. During separate visits in February, Maj. Gen. Todd T. Semonite, commander of the South Atlantic Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Col. Jeffrey M. Hall, commander and district engineer for the USACEAca,!a,,cs Savannah District, expressed their satisfaction with the progress and the quality of the construction project. An aerial view of the site shows clearly how far along the building has come. The band will move to Fort Bragg with Headquarters, Army Forces Command, this summer, in accordance with the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure legislation.

  • Culinary Arts Competition participants step up their game

    Mar 3, 2011

    FORT LEE, Va. (March 4, 2011) -- The 36th Annual Culinary Arts Competition kicked off Feb. 26 at Fort Lee. It is hosted by the U.S. Army Quartermaster School's Joint Culinary Center of Excellence and includes competitors from all five Armed Services, who compete, attend classes in the culinary arts and interact with their peers. The American Culinary Federation-sanctioned event is the largest of its kind in North America.

  • Army's vice chief checks BRAC construction at Bragg

    Mar 3, 2011

    Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli visited the future home of the headquarters elements of U.S. Army Forces Command and U.S. Army Reserve Command at Fort Bragg, N.C., today, for an up close and personal view of the 631,000-square-foot facility slated for completion June 21.

  • 4th MEB ROCs Fort Leonard Wood

    Mar 3, 2011

  • Gates nominates Thurman to command in Korea

    Mar 2, 2011

    Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates announced March 1 his recommendaiton to the President that he nominate Army Gen. James D. Thurman to take command of U.S. Forces in the Republic of Korea. A native of Marietta, Okla., Thurman currently commands U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM), the U.S. Army's largest organization, where he is responsible for the oversight, manning, training, and equipping of 237,000 Active Component Soldiers and the training and readiness oversight of 560,000 Soldiers of the Army National Guard and the U.S. Army Reserve. Dr. Gates made the announcement during a Pentagon press briefing. If confirmed by the U.S. Senate, Thurman would succeed Army Gen. Walter "Skip" Sharp in Korea who is set to retire after his tour as commander of the 28,500 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea.

  • Shadow Surpasses 600,000 Total Flight Hours

    Mar 1, 2011

    This is a release by Army Unmanned Aircraft Systems Project Office and Ground Maneuvers Product Office acknowledging the "workhorse" performance of the Shadow unmanned aircraft system and all the achievement of all the Warfighters that made this achievement come to pass.

  • Saber Squadron joins new formation in Iraq

    Mar 1, 2011

    BAGHDAD, Iraq - Soldiers of 6th Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Advise and Assist Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division uncased its colors in a ceremony to signify the beginning of its mission in Iraq Feb. 23.

  • Taking on non-lethal ammo training

    Mar 1, 2011

    BAGHDAD, Iraq - By, with, and through were the guiding words for the Soldiers of Troop A, 6th Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Advise and Assist Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, as they prepared for their upcoming advise and assist missions in Iraq.

  • Army Small Arms Championship right around the corner

    Feb 28, 2011

    Time and open slots are running out for Soldiers of any rank in the entire Army formation, including West Point and college ROTC cadets, Army Reservists and National Guardsmen, to compete in the 2011 U.S. Army Small Arms Championships March 19-26 on Fort Benning.The championships, hosted by the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit in conjunction with the Maneuver Center of Excellence and Fort Benning, consist of Small Arms Firing Schools, Excellence-in-Competition Matches, rifle and pistol matches, and special combined-arms combat matches.

  • Spouses prepare to help others face worst parts of Army life

    Feb 26, 2011

  • Observance highlights African-American service to US

    Feb 25, 2011

    FORT RILEY, Kan. - West Point's first African-American cadet brigade commander told a Fort Riley audience that contributions made by black Americans in the service to their country have been "poorly documented and inadequately observed."

  • Spouses 'get to know each other' during couples' game

    Feb 25, 2011

    FORT RILEY, Kan. - Communication is key in relationships. Army Community Service showed couples how well they communicated and how much they knew about each other during "Guess What Your Mate Will Say," a game-show-like presentation Feb. 20 at Riley's Conference Center on Main Post. It took place alongside Riley's monthly brunch, which had a theme of "Brunch with your Little Valentine."

  • Fort Riley fighters go 5-0 at UFF event

    Feb 25, 2011

    Fort Riley wasn't a very cordial host to its visitors during the post's first mixed martial arts event. All five Fort Riley fighters who competed in the 11-fight event sent their opponents home with a loss.

  • Kansas lawmakers recognize Military Appreciation Day

    Feb 25, 2011

    Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback hosted senior military leaders from around the state for the signing of the Army Community Covenant and the continuation of the Governor's Military Council(GMC) at the state capitol in Topeka, Kan., Feb.24.

  • 3-19 ADT heads back to school

    Feb 25, 2011

    Members of the Indiana National Guard's 3-19 Agribusiness Development Team recently had an opportunity to experience life on a college campus. The Soldiers and airmen of the 3-19 ADT were not enrolled in classes, however, but rather providing quality assurance at a seminar at Shaikh Zayed University in Khowst Province, Afghanistan, Feb. 21.

  • Soldiers of 1-26 volley for peace

    Feb 25, 2011

    U.S. Army Soldiers of the Fort Knox, Ky.-based 3rd Platoon, Company B, 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, Task Force Duke, however, are hoping that a volleyball game in Sarobi, Afghanistan, Feb. 21 might go a long way in bringing peace to a country that's known mostly violence and lawlessness over the last 30 years.

  • Army Observes Presidents Day at Mount Vernon

    Feb 24, 2011

    "It's a privilege for the Military District of Washington and The Old Guard to be here today."

  • FORSCOM's Annual AFAP Conference

    Feb 23, 2011

    U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) G-1 Well-Being officials are steadily preparing for the command's 2011 Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) conference which will be held March 7-11, in Atlanta, Ga.

  • Fort Knox Children participate in mock SRP

    Feb 22, 2011

    Story about a mock SRP conducted for the children of deployed units.

  • Fort Riley Soldiers 'Cowboy Up' at K-State Rodeo

    Feb 22, 2011

    Soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division traded in their combat boots and berets for cowboy hats and boots for the 55th Annual Kansas State University Collegiate Rodeo Feb. 20. The rodeo is hosted at KSU's Weber Arena for three days and concludes with Sunday's Military Appreciation Day.

  • ACS care teams thoroughly trained to assist Knox surviving spouses

    Feb 22, 2011

    Although no Fort Knox Soldiers have been killed recently, the FMWR directorate employees received training so they could help a co-worker who might also be a surviving spouse. The recent deployment of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division to Afghanistan raises the odds that Knox employees or family members may be affected.

  • Fort Leonard Wood soldiers get SHARP on sexual assault training

    Feb 18, 2011

  • Fire department preps cavalry unit for deployment

    Feb 17, 2011

    FORT RILEY, Kan. - Soldiers preparing for a yearlong deployment to Afghanistan received rope rescue training from the Fort Riley Fire Department Feb. 7 to 10 at Station 4 near Camp Funston. The Soldiers were with the 4th Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division.

  • Couples dance night away at Riley's

    Feb 17, 2011

    FORT RILEY - Allan Rothlisberg and his wife, Sandy, shared a table for two at the Sweetheart Dinner and Dance Feb. 12 at Riley's Conference Center, reminiscing about the first time they danced. "We met at our 40th High School Reunion, and when we danced, it felt so natural," Sandy said.

  • Aviation brigade flies final hours, sees change in Iraq

    Feb 17, 2011

    The Army's last active duty aviation brigade in Iraq is heading home after a year-long deployment in support of operations Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn.

  • Culinary Arts Competition kicks off Feb. 26

    Feb 16, 2011

    FORT LEE, Va. (Feb. 17) -- The 36th Annual Culinary Arts Competition kicks off Feb. 26 and runs through March 11. The annual event is hosted by the Joint Culinary Center of Excellence and includes culinary teams from each of the services. Both U.S. and overseas installations will be represented. The event is sanctioned by the American Culinary Federation.

  • Women's shura convenes for first time in 2 years

    Feb 16, 2011

    A CH-47 Chinook carrying eight Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan officials, a 3-30th Military Police Company Personnel Security Detail comprised entirely of female soldiers, and members of Khowst Provincial Reconstruction Team and the 3-19th Agricultural Development Team from Indiana touched down Thursday, Feb. 10 on a patch of green farmland, which stood in stark contrast from the otherwise brown countryside.

  • Proud Americans Deploy Upon Fort Sill

    Feb 15, 2011

  • Historic meeting of Afghan women garners fitting farewell

    Feb 12, 2011

    KHOWST PROVINCE, Afghanistan (Feb. 12) - A CH-47 Chinook carrying eight Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan officials, a 3-30th Military Police Company Personnel Security Detail comprised entirely of female soldiers, and members of Khowst Provincial Reconstruction Team and the 3-19th Agricultural Development Team from Indiana touched down Thursday, Feb. 10 on a patch of green farmland, which stood in stark contrast from the otherwise brown countryside.

  • Military women trade combat for cookies and women's peace shura.

    Feb 12, 2011

    KHOWST PROVINCE, Afghanistan (Feb. 12) - A CH-47 Chinook carrying eight Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan officials, a 3-30th Military Police Company Personnel Security Detail comprised entirely of female soldiers, and members of Khowst Provincial Reconstruction Team and the 3-19th Agricultural Development Team from Indiana touched down Thursday, Feb. 10 on a patch of green farmland, which stood in stark contrast from the otherwise brown countryside.

  • Getting in character

    Feb 12, 2011

    KHOWST PROVINCE, Afghanistan - An all-female delegation of eight Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan officials, a 330th Military Police Company personnel security detail, members of Khowst Provincial Reconstruction Team and the 3-19th Agribusiness Development Team from Indiana gathered in Jaji Maidan Feb. 10.

  • Friday Night Fights: Fort Leonard Wood hosts Fort Riley in combative tournament

    Feb 11, 2011

    Fort Leonard Wood hosted their first ever installation-versus-installation combative tournament against Fort Riley, Kan., Friday, at Davidson Fitness Center. Each team brought their best men to compete for a division championship title, and overall team winner. It was a close match that ended with a win for Fort Riley in the heavyweight bout, which led to their overall win.

  • Aviation brigades trade places, continue mission in Iraq

    Feb 11, 2011

    The first group of thousands of 40th Combat Aviation Brigade Soldiers to deploy to Iraq arrived on Camp Taji, Feb. 10. As the incoming 40th CAB Soldiers arrived, outgoing troops with the Enhanced Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division took their places on the jet to begin their journey home. The two brigades will be trading places over the next month, as the latter finishes its year-long tour here in support of operations Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn.

  • Joint Base Lewis-McChord Soldier named Army's top artilleryman

    Feb 10, 2011

    It was a letter from Maj. Gen. David Halverson, the commanding general of the United States Fires Center of Excellence and Fort Sill, notifying the platoon sergeant with B Battery, 2nd Battalion, 12th Field Artillery Regiment he had won the 2010 Gruber Award as the best field artilleryman in the Army.

  • FORSCOM wins Army's 'Best Protection Program Award' for 2010

    Feb 10, 2011

    Department of the Army named U.S. Army Forces Command the winner of its Best Protection Program Award for calendar year 2010, during the Army's Antiterrorism and Force Protection Conference Jan. 31 in Orlando, Fla.

  • FORSCOM band coaches students while performing its community outreach mission

    Feb 10, 2011

    One of FORSCOM's Army Ground Forces Band's vital missions is community outreach. The band recently spent spent the good part of a weekend interfacing with the community with a concert at Clayton State University's Spivey Hall in Morrow, Ga., Friday evening, Feb. 4, and holding clinics with high school and middle school band students and performing follow-up concerts at Peachtree Charter Middle School in Dunwoody, Ga., Saturday, Feb. 5. The band and its various ensembles, or Musical Performance Teams, serve as musical ambassadors for the American combat Soldier to the American people, instilling pride in their troops and support for the nation's military through the performance of music at the local, regional and national levels.

  • Seetin Receives Longevity Award

    Feb 9, 2011

    Gen. James D. Thurman, U.S. Army Forces Command Commanding General, presents Samuel Seetin with the Army's Longevity Award for 50 years of civilian service to the U.S. Army.

  • Microsoft, Army highlight Surface 2.0 at multitouch working group

    Feb 9, 2011

    Microsoft discussed its latest touch-screen technology during a quarterly working group meeting with the Army's leading multitouch researchers and developers, Jan. 25. The Multitouch Mission Command Working Group, which is hosted by CERDEC, brought together more than two dozen organizations from government, industry and academia for discussions and live demonstrations using the existing Surface 1.0 hardware. While no Surface 2.0 hardware has been released to date, CERDEC, has early access to the software and development kits thanks to its Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with Microsoft.

  • Small cafe keeps busy Soldiers fed in Iraq

    Feb 9, 2011

    CAMP TAJI, Iraq - The Guardian CafAfA isn't much, but for the hundreds of Soldiers who visit it daily, it's enough. The small cafAfA is housed in two trailers propped on cinder blocks, and it's the only place to eat for Soldiers here who don't have enough time to eat at the camp's main dining facility.

  • Soldiers in Iraq watch Super Bowl

    Feb 9, 2011

    The spirit of Super Bowl Sunday reached Iraq this year, where a brigade of Soldiers out of Fort Riley, Kan., gathered to watch the Green Bay Packers take on the Pittsburgh Steelers.

  • FORSCOM's top enlisted Soldier visits Bragg to review future living and working conditions

    Feb 4, 2011

    Command Sgt. Maj. Ronald T. Riling, the top enlisted Soldier for U.S. Army Forces Command, spent three days meeting with Soldiers and checking on the progress of construction projects in preparation for FORSCOM's move here later this year.

  • TF Lethal medics aid injured Paktya boy

    Feb 4, 2011

    Medics from Company A, 1st Battalion, 168th Infantry Regiment, Task Force Lethal, at Combat Outpost Herrera, Paktya Province, helped care for and evacuate a Jaji Village boy who fell more than 15 feet from a building and landed on his head, Jan. 29.

  • Soldiers prepare helicopters for return to US

    Feb 4, 2011

    An Army aviation brigade out of Fort Riley, Kan., is preparing its aircraft to return from Iraq this spring.

  • SES logistician at Army's largest command retires after 37 years service

    Feb 3, 2011

    Article on the retirement of Mr. David Campbell, Deputy G-4

  • Mapping your life: Embedded data in photos could tip off criminals

    Feb 3, 2011

    The potential dangers of geotagging and location-based social networking exists. Geotagging is the process of adding geographical identification to photographs, video, web sites and instant messages.

  • Soldiers receive end of tour awards, look forward to return from Iraq

    Feb 3, 2011

    More than 3,000 Soldiers deployed to Iraq with a Fort Riley, Kan., aviation brigade are one step closer to home this week after receiving their end of tour awards in several ceremonies across the country. Soldiers with the Enhanced Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division received the awards in recognition of their service during the brigade's year-long deployment. The ceremonies are a significant mile-marker toward the unit's return to Fort Riley this spring.

  • Army North Soldiers enhance vital skill set through marksmanship training

    Feb 1, 2011

    CAMP BULLIS, Texas - During the Revolutionary War, "Baron" Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, a former Prussian officer, was brought in to teach marksmanship training to Continental Army Soldiers, and he clearly demonstrated the importance and the effectiveness of properly placing volleys of fire against enemy forces. A little more than 223 years later, Soldiers from U.S. Army North's Headquarters Support Company concentrated on modern principles of advanced rifle marksmanship during live-fire weapons training Jan. 27 at the Camp Bullis Military Training Reservation in San Antonio; the training, however, was not with muskets but rather with current weapons: the M-16A2 Rifle and the M-9 Berretta Pistol.

  • Fort Riley officials showcase new resiliency campus

    Jan 31, 2011

    FORT RILEY, Kan. - Brig. Gen. Rhonda Cornum, Army Comprehensive Soldier Fitness director, visited Fort Riley Jan. 28 to assist leaders in opening the post's new resiliency campus during a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Resiliency Learning Center on Custer Hill.

  • One year program masters degree from Columbia University available

    Jan 31, 2011

    Opportunities are available for Army captains and majors to strengthen their leadership and organization development through the Eisenhower Leader Development Program. By exercising the Enhanced Graduate School Program option, officers may enroll in the 12-month ACS/EGSP program which culminates in a Master of Arts from Columbia University in social-organizational psychology. The ELDP is jointly administered between the U.S. Military Academy and the Teachers College at Columbia University.

  • TF Rakkasan transfers authority to TF Duke

    Jan 30, 2011

    A Transfer of Authority ceremony, in which the command of Khowst and Paktya Provinces was formally handed over from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division to the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, was held on Forward Operating Base Salerno in Khowst Province, Afghanistan, Jan. 30.

  • STB Soldiers learn cell extraction techniques

    Jan 29, 2011

    Soldiers from the Special Troops Battalion of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, participated in the Field Detention Center training class at Forward Operating Base Salerno on Wednesday, Jan. 26. The training was designed to instill confidence and competence in Soldiers who are not Military Police.

  • Fort Riley troops ready to get home after year in Iraq

    Jan 29, 2011

    It's Friday in Iraq, but Spc. Correy Jackson can't remember the last time that meant much. Jackson, a 21-year-old native of Oakland, Calif., is one of about 3,000 Soldiers deployed with the Enhanced Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, who for the last year have worked nearly every weekday and weekend alike.

  • FOB Salerno Soldiers pay silent tribute to 9/11

    Jan 29, 2011

    A color guard of Soldiers from Company B., 404th Civil Affairs Battalion, Airborne, raised a flag up the flagpole at Forward Operating Base Salerno in Afghanistan on Jan. 24. It's an act performed every day by U.S. Soldiers across Afghanistan and, indeed, across the world. This flag, however, is different. It's one that has been flown at Ground Zero in New York City after 9/11, and holds special meaning to the 404th Soldiers, based out of Fort Dix, N.J., many of whom are from the New Jersey and New York areas.

  • Resolve to help Troops Stay Connected, Supplied in the New Year

    Jan 28, 2011

    Any American can give the gift of connection now and throughout the New Year to troops far from home with All Services Exchange phone and gift cards.

  • Fort Riley opens resiliency campus

    Jan 28, 2011

    FORT RILEY, Kan. - Maj. Gen. Vincent Brooks, 1st Infantry Division and Fort Riley commanding general, center, cuts the ribbon Jan. 28 to the Fort Riley Resiliency Learning Center, Building 7285, on Custer Hill. Brooks was joined by Brig. Gen. Rhonda Cornum, the Army's Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Program director. The Resiliency Learning Center is the headquarters for Fort Riley's Resiliency Campus, which provides physical, emotional, social, Family and spiritual support for Soldiers and Families.

  • 'Raider Nation' comes home

    Jan 28, 2011

  • Military working dog team deploys to Afghanistan

    Jan 28, 2011

    FORT RILEY, Kan. - For one Soldier, his fifth deployment will be an exciting one, he said, because it is his first deployment as a military working dog handler. "It'll be new experiences. I'm looking forward to it. I'm not dreading it at all," said Sgt. Brandon Cleveland, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 97th Military Police Battalion. Cleveland and his partner, Barry, an 8-year old Belgian Malinois, are no strangers to deployment - this is not Barry's first deployment, either.

  • Incoming deputy commanding general of U.S. Forces-Iraq visits aviation brigade on Camp Taji

    Jan 26, 2011

    Lt. Gen. Frank Helmick, the incoming deputy commanding general of U.S. Forces-Iraq, visited Soldiers serving with the Enhanced Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division on Camp Taji, Iraq, Jan. 26.