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Event Name: Retirement Savings: Saving More for Tomorrow by Paying Less in 401(k) Fees Today Webcast
Description: Do you or your loved ones know how much you are paying for your retirement accounts? You could be losing tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars because of excessive and hidden fees. Because of a new rule issued by the Department of Labor, there will now be more transparency about the fees and expenses you are paying for your retirement accounts. By paying attention to the new disclosures you will receive, you could boost your 401(k) account balance at retirement by thousands of dollars. The Department of Labor invites you to join Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis and Assistant Secretary Phyllis Borzi of the Employee Benefits Security Administration who will explain how the new rule will work and share tips about how you can keep more of what you save.
Date: Sep 13, 2012
Time: 2:00 to 3:00
Location: Washington, DC
For More Information: Event Web site
Secretary's Event: No
Agency: EBSA