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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Joint Statement of Intent on Collaboration in Improving the Quality of Health Care

The Department of Health and Human Services of the United States of America (USA) and The Departments of Health for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK)

Pursuant to the Letter of Intent between the USA Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Honorable Kevin Thurm, and the Secretary of State for Health on behalf of the UK, the Rt Hon Frank Dobson, signed on September 16, 1997, in London.

The USA Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Honorable Tommy G. Thompson, and the UK Secretary of State for Health, the Rt. Hon. Alan Milburn, MP.

Having expressed their commitment to collaborate in improving the quality of health care through the annual bilateral meeting under the aegis of The Commonwealth Fund and The Nuffield Trust and having convened a bilateral working group on quality.

Intend to seek opportunities for their respective countries to work collaboratively in health care quality improvement, especially in the areas of sharing information and experiences, patient safety and error reduction, defining the quality research agenda, improving quality measurement, enhancing the use of information technology, national quality reporting, quality standards and vocabulary, and eliminating disparities in health care.

Domains for Collaboration

  • National Quality Reporting.
  • Quality Monitoring of Targeted Conditions.
  • Error Reporting and Patient Safety.
  • Health System Disparities.
  • Promoting Knowledge Management Approaches to Clinical Improvement.
  • Health System Workforce.
  • Primary Care.
  • Cost Effectiveness.

Signed on 10th day of October 2001 in Washington, D.C.

The Honorable Tommy G. Thompson
Secretary of Health and Human Services
United States of America
Rt. Hon. Alan Milburn, MP
Secretary of State for Health
United Kingdom

Select for PDF version (107 KB) of the signed statement [Plugin Software Help].

Internet Citation:

Joint Statement of Intent on Collaboration in Improving the Quality of Health Care. The Department of Health and Human Services of the United States of America (USA) and The Departments of Health for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK). Washington, D.C., October 10, 2001.


AHRQAdvancing Excellence in Health Care