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Course Description - M-580 Fire in Ecosystem Management

January 28 - February 1, 2013

Course Goals

Course Description

Through lectures, case studies, a field trip, and interaction between participants and faculty, the course will:

Nationally recognized subject matter experts and practitioners serve as instructors in this course.

Additional Information

The course does not provide a “cookbook” for ecosystem management; rather this course provides concepts, and ecological and social considerations to assist the student with developing specific fire management programs. Local fire effects information and monitoring details are provided in other courses.

Individuals who have attended RX510 – Advanced Fire Effects, should understand that some similar subject matter is addressed in M580.

M580 curriculum contains similar content as Technical Fire Management (TFM) and university level fire ecology programs. 
Prospective nominees should understand that if they have attended one of these programs there may be some duplication in M580.  

Target Audience

This course is targeted for individuals who are looking to enhance their knowledge and understanding of fire management and fire ecology.  However, this is not an advanced fire ecology course.

Important Dates

November 1, 2012: Nomination Due to NAFRI from Agencies and GACC’s
November 19, 2012: Notification of Selection

Nomination Process

Please see the NAFRI nomination process page on the NAFRI website.

Course Coordinator: Gary Luce phone: (520) 799-8753; fax (520) 799-8785, email: galuce@fs.fed.us