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Water quality
The chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of water, usually in respect to its suitability for a particular purpose.
Groundwater quality (69 items)
Marine water quality (14 items)
Surface water quality (61 items)

Water-quality data (83 items)
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Results 1 - 324 of 324 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program [More info]
Primary homepage for the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program studying water quality in river, aquifer and coastal water basins throughout the nation. Links to reports, data, models, maps and national synthesis studies.
Water quality information pages [More info]
Homepage of the Office of Water Quality programs on the quality of the Nation's surface water and ground water resources, with links to general information, quality assurance, software, data, publications, USGS facilities, techniques, and programs.
Water-quality data for the Nation [More info]
Homepage for USGS water quality information. The NWISWeb discrete sample database is a compilation of over 3.5 million historical water quality analyses in the USGS district databases. Also includes access to real-time data and a tutorial.
Water science for schools: water quality [More info]
Educational site for elementary school students on water quality with links to related topics including pesticides in ground water, kid's view, urbanization and water and others.
Toxic Substances Hydrology Program [More info]
Homepage for the Toxic Substances Hydrology Program, which provides scientific information on contaminated sites and on human and environmental health. Links to news, topical information, investigations, meetings, publications, and photos.
The USGS role in Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) assessments [More info]
Detailed information on Total Maximum Daily Load, the total quantity of a pollutant that a stream can carry and still conform to water quality standards, used as a measurement in the monitoring, assessment, and remediation of polluted waters.
Hypoxia [More info]
A brief definition and explanation of hypoxia with special reference to the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone along the Louisiana-Texas coast as well as extensive links to USGS and other related information resources.
Agricultural chemicals [More info]
Overview of the Toxic Substances Hydrology Program role in investigating the occurrence and fate of agricultural chemicals with links to investigations, headlines, on-line fact sheets, new publications, bibliographies and photo gallery.
National highway runoff water quality data and methodology synthesis [More info]
Cooperative national project with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to evaluate FHWA's guidelines for highway-runoff quality. Links to searchable online bibliography of related publications by the USGS, EPA, FHWA, and state agencies.
Primer on water quality [More info]
Fact sheet on what "water quality" means, how it is determined, and the natural processes and human activities that affect it.
Pharmaceuticals, Hormones, and Other Organic Wastewater Contaminants in U.S. Streams [More info]
Describes and illustrates that a broad range of chemicals found in residential, industrial, and agricultural wastewaters commonly occur in mixtures at low concentrations downstream from areas of intense urbanization and animal production.
USGS mine drainage activities [More info]
Listing of USGS research and monitoring projects on mine drainage, in order to promote cooperation and collaboration among scientists working on problems related to mining and the environment.
Parking-lot sealcoat: A major source of PAHs in urban and suburban environments [More info]
Explanation of chemical contaminants released into aquatic environments by popular sealcoating compounds used in parking lots, with frequently-asked questions, links, and contact information.
National analysis of trace elements in ground water, streams, stream and reservoir sediment, and fish and clam tissue across the United States [More info]
Trace elements are inorganic chemicals occurring in small amounts in nature. This web site of the National Water Quality Assessment links to U.S. data, publications, news, and other sites on trace metals, metalloids and radionuclides in water.
Acute toxicity database [More info]
The following database summarizes the results from aquatic acute toxicity tests conducted by the USGS CERC located in Columbia, Missouri.
BRASS: Bedrock Regional Aquifer Systematics Study [More info]
Description of the project to publish new bedrock geologic maps in the United States to advance the understanding of the region's bedrock aquifers. Includes list of projects.
Pesticide National Synthesis Project: national assessment of pesticides in streams, rivers, and ground water of the United States [More info]
An assessment of pesticides in national water resources, with links to national reports, national statistics, national data, pesticide use, analytical strategy, and standards for the U.S.
National assessment of volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) in water resources of the United States [More info]
Links to online data retrieval, information on MTBE and gasoline oxygenates, VOCs analysis, VOC publications, news features, and featured online publications.
Nutrients National Synthesis Project: nutrients in rivers, streams, and aquifers in the United States [More info]
This Nutrients National Synthesis Project site on the U.S. study of nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, as contaminants in high concentrations links to an overview, study team, featured reports, publications, and national datasets.
Water quality of San Francisco Bay [More info]
Thirty year database of water-quality data, visual data displays, and project information on the San Francisco Bay directed towards following and understanding changes in the water quality of San Francisco Bay.
PDF Water quality studied in areas of unconventional oil and gas development, including areas where hydraulic fracturing techniques are used, in the United States [More info]
Maps showing number of water quality samples in areas underlain by unconventional oil and gas resources, broken out by surface water and groundwater.
Water quality well sites in New Jersey [More info]
Map of New Jersey showing the locations of all well sites where ground water-quality data exists in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) database.
Effects of land use on water quality in Michigan [More info]
Links to projects that provide information on the relation of land use to water quality, sources of pollutants, or trends in water quality.
Groundwater Quality in the Central Eastside San Joaquin Valley, California [More info]
Summary of a detailed study in this agricultural area.
Groundwater Quality in the Kern County Subbasin, California [More info]
Arsenic was the trace element most frequently present at high concentrations here. High concentrations of arsenic result from the interaction of groundwater with naturally occurring minerals.
Groundwater Quality in the Southeast San Joaquin Valley, California [More info]
Arsenic and nitrate are the constituents found most commonly at high concentrations in the primary aquifers. Arsenic comes from natural sources and is affected by pH and dissolved oxygen.
Groundwater quality in the Central Sierra Nevada, California [More info]
Recent study indicates that inorganic trace elements and radioactive constituents are more likely to be subjects of concern in this less-developed area than anthropogenic organic compounds.
Groundwater quality in the Middle Sacramento Valley, California [More info]
Results of a survey of contaminants in untreated groundwater in this area. Arsenic and boron were the two trace elements detected most frequently at concentrations greater than the benchmarks.
Groundwater quality in the Monterey Bay and Salinas Valley groundwater basins, California [More info]
This study of untreated groundwater indicates the number of samples in which inorganic or organic constituents occur in high or moderate in concentration. The study does not indicate significant problems in groundwater quality here.
Groundwater quality in the Northern Sacramento Valley, California [More info]
Results of a survey of contaminants in untreated groundwater in this area, separating inorganic from organic constituents.
Groundwater quality in the Northern San Joaquin Valley, California [More info]
Arsenic and boron were the trace elements that most frequently occurred at high concentrations. Fumigants (pesticides) were detected at high concentrations in 3% of the primary aquifers. Herbicides and insecticides were detected at low concentrations.
Groundwater quality in the San Diego Drainages Hydrogeologic Province, California [More info]
Vanadium and boron were detected at high and moderate concentrations in this area. High concentrations for these constituents were detected almost exclusively in samples collected in the Temecula Valley study area.
Groundwater quality in the San Fernando--San Gabriel groundwater basins, California [More info]
Organic solvents are the chief concern in this area, which has given rise to a systematic program of monitoring and water treatment. This study shows relatively recent results.
Groundwater quality in the Santa Clara River Valley, California [More info]
This study of untreated groundwater indicates the number of samples in which inorganic or organic constituents occur in high or moderate in concentration. The study does not indicate significant problems in groundwater quality here.
Groundwater quality in the Southern Sacramento Valley, California [More info]
Results of a survey of contaminants in untreated groundwater in this area. Arsenic and boron were the trace elements occurring most frequently at high concentrations.
Groundwater quality in the Southern Sierra Nevada, California [More info]
Recent study indicating inorganic constituents as the primary items of concern in this area. Chemical and mineralogical compositions of the aquifer rocks probably explain variation among localities here.
Groundwater quality in the Tahoe and Martis Basins, California [More info]
Recent study encountered occasional high values of radioactive trace elements, but the water quality in this area as monitored compares favorably to more urban areas studied by the same group.
Groundwater quality in the Upper Santa Ana Watershed study unit, California [More info]
Recent study indicating nitrate and perchlorate are the primary inorganic constituents of interest here, coming from human activities such as agriculture.
Groundwater quality in the north San Francisco Bay groundwater basins, California [More info]
Summary of chemical constituents of ground water that are of concern to human activity in this area. Arsenic is the constituent that occurs most frequently in high concentrations.
PDF Groundwater quality of southeastern Wyoming [More info]
Explains how we assess groundwater quality here, what characteristics are important, and how they hurt or, in some cases, help use use the water.
National Water Quality Assessment urban studies portal [More info]
Multiple studies addressing urban water-quality issues, to describe biological, chemical, and physical characteristics of urban water resources over time, and relate those characteristics to natural processes and human activities
National Water Quality Laboratory [More info]
The National Water Quality Laboratory (NWQL) is a full-service laboratory that specializes in environmental analytical chemistry and has a primary role to develop new analytical methods. Links to directory, publications, and standards.
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program - Water quality in the Puget Sound Basin [More info]
The Puget Sound Basin is a National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program study unit for studying the status, trends, and changes affecting the nation's water quality. Site links to data, publications, and results.
Office of Water Quality, Branch of Quality Systems [More info]
Branch of Quality Systems monitors the consistent collection and reporting of water-quality data with documentation of field and laboratory methods and proficiency testing. Links to standard reference samples and quality assurance standards.
PDF Regional assessments of the Nation's water quality--Improved understanding of stream nutrient sources through enhanced modeling capabilities [More info]
Studies of the sources, transport, and fate of nutrients in the streams of six major regions of the conterminous United States.
PDF Relations among land cover, streamflow, and water quality in the North Canadian River Basin near Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: 1968-2009 [More info]
Data explains spatial differences and temporal trends in water quality, specifically dissolved oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations.
SPARROW Modeling of Surface-Water Quality [More info]
A software model for regional interpretation of water-quality monitoring data, estimating origin and fate of contaminants in streams, with documentation, publications and data for the applications.
PDF Southwest Principal Aquifers Regional Ground-Water Quality Assessment [More info]
Study of the susceptibility and vulnerability of basin-fill aquifers in the region to ground-water contamination by synthesizing the information on ground-water quality conditions in 15 basins from previous studies.
Standard reference samples for water quality analysis [More info]
Standard reference samples for laboratory quality assurance testing and are available to purchase for internal quality control. The majority of samples are prepared with water from Colorado streams.
Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group (SMIG) [More info]
The USGS Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group (SMIG) is interested in surface-water quality and flow modeling activities with links to articles, model archives, data archives, clearinghouse, mailing list, classes, and meetings.
Tualatin River basin water quality assessment [More info]
Overview of project assessing water quality of the Tualatin River basin near Portland, Oregon with links to reports on chemical and nutrient levels and selected data on streamflow, water temperature, weather and precipitation.
Upper Mississippi River basin: water quality, water elevation, and discharge [More info]
Information on flood potential and water quality in the upper Mississipi River, including downloadable data and map images.
WaterQualityWatch -Continuous Real-Time Water Quality of Surface Water in the United States [More info]
Maps and explanations of continuous real-time data collection methods and results, including water temperature, turbididty, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, pH, and stream discharge values.
PDF Wildfire effects on source-water quality--Lessons from Fourmile Canyon fire, Colorado, and implications for drinking-water treatment [More info]
Stream discharge and nitrate concentration increased downstream of the burned area during snowmelt, but these were probably within the treatment capacity of most drinking-water plants, and limited changes were observed in downstream ecosystems.
California Water-Quality Assessment [More info]
Results of activities in California conducted under the National Water-Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA): maps, publications and data.
Georgia's Stream-Water-Quality Monitoring Network, 2006 [More info]
USGS stream-water-quality monitoring network for Georgia represents an aggregation of smaller networks and individual monitoring stations, with map and link to data.
Missouri District Water-Quality Data & Analysis Section [More info]
Homepage for the Missouri District Water-Quality Data & Analysis Section with links to data networks, projects, data availability, mobile laboratories, sampling boat, quality assurance practices, and real-time water-quality data.
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program - Great and Little Miami River Basins [More info]
The Great and Little Miami River Basins form a National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program study unit for studying the status, trends, and changes affecting the nation's water quality. Site links to data, publications, maps, and results.
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program: protocols for the analysis of algal samples collected [More info]
Summary of protocols describing procedures for laboratory analysis of algae samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA). Includes full document to be downloaded in PDF format.
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program: reconstructed trends national synthesis study. [More info]
Program to compile data from the National Water-Quality Assessment Program study units to study national trends with links to sediment coring sites, video on Salt Lake City, study units identification, and publications.
National Water-Quality Assessment data warehouse [More info]
Data warehouse for national water quality program with links to chemical, biological, and physical data for water, sediment and animal tissues, nutrient, pesticide, and VOC levels, streamflow, and ground water levels from national study units.
New Jersey National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) homepage [More info]
Brief discussion of two water quality studies in the state of New Jersey with links to the Long-Island-New York Coastal Drainages study unit and the Delaware River Basin study unit.
Real-time water-quality monitoring and regression analysis to estimate nutrient and bacteria concentration in Kansas streams. [More info]
Report on the use of regression equations from measurements made by water quality monitors and analytical results of manually collected samples estimating nutrient, bacteria, and other constituent concentrations to study streams in Kansas.
Water-quality data for Alabama [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Alaska [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Arizona [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Arkansas [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for California [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Colorado [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Connecticut [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Delaware [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for District of Columbia [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Florida [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Georgia [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Hawaii [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Idaho [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Illinois [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Indiana [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Iowa [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Kansas [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Kentucky [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Louisiana [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Maine [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Maryland [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Massachusetts [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Michigan [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Minnesota [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Mississippi [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Missouri [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Montana [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Nebraska [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Nevada [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for New Hampshire [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for New Jersey [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for New Mexico [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for New York [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for North Carolina [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for North Dakota [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Ohio [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Oklahoma [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Oregon [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Pennsylvania [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Puerto Rico [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Rhode Island [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for South Carolina [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for South Dakota [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Tennessee [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Texas [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Utah [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Vermont [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Virgin Islands [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Virginia [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Washington [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for West Virginia [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Wisconsin [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality data for Wyoming [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date water-quality data, such as temperature, specific conductance, pH, nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds downloadable from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files.
Water-quality information - data [More info]
Links to major databases on USGS real-time and historic time period data for water quality, atmospheric deposition, streamflow, and suspended sediments and links to related databases of other agencies.
PDF Wyoming groundwater-quality monitoring network [More info]
Shows high-priority areas where groundwater will be monitored, outlines the methods of collection and analysis that will be used.
Availability of groundwater data for California, water year 2010 [More info]
Map of California showing the number of wells (by county) with available water-level or water-quality data for Water Year 2010, with descriptions of the data and instructions for obtaining them.
Biological resource status and trends: Contaminants in water [More info]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on contaminants in water
PDF Decadal-scale changes in dissolved-solids concentrations in groundwater used for public supply [More info]
Recent increases in dissolved-solids concentrations in this aquifer have been documented in some areas used for public supply, raising concerns as to the sources and causes of the higher concentrations and the long-term effects on groundwater quality.
Ground-water data for the Nation [More info]
National Water Information System (NWIS) real-time data on selected ground water sites, ground water level data, site inventory of wells, test holes, drains, springs and excavations and ground water-quality data for the United States.
Massachusetts and Rhode Island District water data [More info]
Links to streamflow, surface and ground water, water quality, flood, drought, and precipitation data in real-time and for historic time periods for Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
National Water Information System (NWISWeb) data for Illinois [More info]
National Information Water System (NWIS) water data for Illinois including real-time current conditions, streamflow data, site information, ground-water data, and water-quality data.
National Water Information System (NWISWeb) data for the Nation [More info]
NWISWeb homepage for the National Water Information System providing access to water-resources data collected at approximately 1.5 million sites in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
PDF Occurrence of Emerging Contaminants in Water and Bed Material in the Missouri River, North Dakota, 2007 [More info]
Water monitoring results, focused on wastewater compounds, human-health pharmaceutical compounds, hormones, and antibiotics in water, and waste indicators, hormones, and antibiotics in solids.
Summary of suspended-sediment concentration data, San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2000 [More info]
Suspended-sediment concentration data were collected in San Francisco Bay during water year 2000 using optical backscatterance sensors and water samples. This report presents the data-collection methods, data, and calibration plots.
Surface-water data and statistics from U.S. Geological Survey data-collection networks in New Jersey on the world wide web [More info]
Streamflow-gaging and water quality sampling sites with real-time and historical surface-water data for many of the sites in New Jersey.
Surface-water data for the Nation [More info]
Homepage for USGS national surface-water data with more than 850,000 station years of time-series data for stream levels, streamflow (discharge), reservoir and lake levels, surface-water quality, and rainfall plus real-time data and tutorial.
Water co-produced with coalbed methane in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming: preliminary compositional data [More info]
Compositional data on water from 47 CBM wells sampled in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. Data on major, minor, and trace elements are included.
Water resources data for Washington [More info]
Access to data on water resources of Washington including surface water, ground water, water quality, water use, GIS, and biological datasets and access to reports.
Water resources real-time data for the Nation [More info]
Access to national water resources real-time data typically recorded at 15-60 minute intervals, stored onsite, and then transmitted to USGS offices every 4 hours. Select for site information, ground water, surface water, and water quality.
Annual hydrologic data report of Pennsylvania [More info]
Online annual reports (since 1999) documenting hydrologic data for Pennsylvania gathered from USGS surface water and ground water data-collection networks and information on ordering paper copies of previous years.
Arsenic in ground water of the United States [More info]
Information on arsenic in United States ground water largely as a result of minerals dissolving from weathered rocks and soils. Includes links to publications, data, maps, and links to other sites with information on arsenic.
Arsenic in ground water of the United States [More info]
Arsenic is a naturally occurring element in rocks, soils, and the waters in contact with them. It is found in ground water as the result of minerals dissolving from weathered rocks and soils. This site links to data, maps, and more.
Boston Harbor Studies: the fate of sediments and contaminants in Massachusetts Bay [More info]
Boston Harbor/Massachusetts Bay Studies research project conducted as part of Boston Harbor cleanup to predict the fate of contaminants and sediments introduced to Massachusetts' coastal waters from sources that include Boston sewage outfall.
Cooperative Water Program [More info]
Program that monitors, assesses, and communicates the results of the quantity and quality of water in rivers and aquifers.
Cooperative Water Program -- a partnership in the Nation's Water-Resources Program [More info]
Fact sheet (also available in PDF format) on the ongoing partnership in water resources between the USGS and non-Federal agencies primarily state, tribal, county and municipal agencies with water-resources responsibilities.
Dissolved solids in basin-fill aquifers and streams in the southwestern United States [More info]
Endocrine Disruption Found in Fish Exposed to Municipal Wastewater [More info]
Research findings and examples of application to real problems--cause and potential effects of wastewater on fish in streams is explored.
Ground-water flow and other computer simulations for Utah [More info]
Identifies computer models in USGS publications developed to study ground water for many areas of Utah.
Ground-water monitoring for pesticides in Wyoming [More info]
Sampling program to determine if pesticides are present in ground water, in accordance with Wyoming's Generic State Management Plan for Pesticides in Ground Water (SMP).
PDF Groundwater Resources of Ribeira Faja Basin, Island of Sao Nicolau, Cape Verde, West Africa [More info]
Lower precipitation and recharge, with deeper groundwater levels, suggest this basin will be less susceptible to contamination than others nearby, but may be susceptible to saltwater intrusion brought on by well pumping.
Groundwater Resources of Ribeira Paul Basin, Island of Santo Antao, Cape Verde, West Africa [More info]
PDF Groundwater resources of Mosteiros basin, island of Fogo, Cape Verde, west Africa [More info]
Shallow groundwater has good quality, but salinity measured in wells suggests the thin lens of freshwater under the coastal plain will be vulnerable to saltwater intrusion as a consequence of pumping.
Hudson River salt front data [More info]
Tide stage, specific conductance, water temperature, and freshwater inflow at selected Hudson River (New York) gages updated every 4-hours to measure the effects of freshwater withdrawals and upstream movement of the salt front.
Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (Upper Mississippi River area): sampling data [More info]
Downloadable data and other information about the sampling programs used in long-term monitoring of the upper Mississippi River area.
Louisiana online water resources publications [More info]
Links to electronic publications on Louisiana water resources, some in PDF format, and link to bibliographies of electronic and paper publications.
Lower Columbia River dissolved gas monitoring network [More info]
Links to real-time data for total dissolved gas, temperature, and barometric pressure in lower Columbia River in Oregon and Washington and to project reports.
Minnesota water-resources projects [More info]
Links to descriptions of research projects on water resources in Minnesota listed by project number.
PDF Monitoring for Pesticides in Groundwater and Surface Water in Nevada, 2008 [More info]
Study of pesticides in shallow groundwater and surface water to help decision makers evaluate and manage pesticide application practices to protect drinking water resources, especially deeper, potable groundwater as well as aquatic species.
National Stream Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN) [More info]
Homepage for description of the National Stream Quality Network (NASQAN), a long-term program monitoring the concentrations and flux of sediment and chemicals in the Nation's largest rivers (Mississippi, Columbia, Colorado, Rio Grande, and Yukon).
Nevada Water Science Center Projects [More info]
Links to detailed descriptions of USGS water-related research projects in Nevada with project information, location maps, and bibliographies including online reports.
New Jersey District - ground water information [More info]
Links to New Jersey ground-water data including hydrogeology with a geologic map and description of major aquifers, water levels including real-time data and drought levels, and water-quality information.
New Jersey District - surface water information [More info]
Links to water data for New Jersey including streamflow, sampling stations, and water-quality data with links to reports on stream gages, hydrology, networks, and floods.
Nitrate in ground water near La Pine, Oregon [More info]
Description of project studying hydrologic and chemical processes that affect the movement and fate of nitrogen within the shallow aquifers of the La Pine region of central Oregon.
Nutrients in the Nation's streams and groundwater: National findings and implications [More info]
Despite public sector efforts to reduce nonpoint-source nutrients in streams and rivers, concentrations have remained the same or increased, continuing to pose risks to aquatic life and human health.
Occurrence of selected radionuclides in ground water used for drinking water in the United States [More info]
Results (*.pdf) of a 1998 targeted reconnaissance survey on the sources of radium, polonium, and lead radionuclides, data collection and laboratory methods, existing occurrences in drinking water, risk assessments, and compliance monitoring.
PDF Organic Compounds in Clackamas River Water Used for Public Supply near Portland, Oregon, 2003-05 [More info]
In all, 56 compounds were detected in samples collected approximately monthly during 2003-05 at the intake for the Clackamas River Water plant. On the basis of this screening-level assessment, adverse effects to human health are assumed to be negligible.
PDF Organic compounds assessed in Neuse River water used for public supply near Smithfield, North Carolina, 2002-2005 [More info]
Reports concentration of organic compounds here, to serve as a baseline against which future measurements can be compared and to provide a general assessment of the quality of local water treatment efforts.
PDF Organic compounds in Elm Fork Trinity river water used for public supply near Carrollton, Texas, 2002-05 [More info]
We identified six compounds at concentrations less than human-health benchmarks, but within a factor of 10 of those limits. Those compounds might warrant further study to understand their transport and fate within the watershed.
PDF Organic compounds in Running Gutter Brook water used for public supply near Hatfield, Massachusetts, 2003-05 [More info]
The 258 organic compounds in this assessment are man-made: pesticides, solvents, gasoline hydrocarbons, personal-care and domestic-use products, pavement and combustion-derived compounds. None were found in concentrations deemed dangerous at this time.
Organic compounds in Truckee River water used for public supply near Reno, Nevada, 2002-05 [More info]
A preliminary indication of the potential importance of compounds detected in source water to the quality of finished water prior to distribution.
PDF Organic compounds in White River water used for public supply near Indianapolis, Indiana, 2002-05 [More info]
Measured concentrations of many compounds in water people use. Some compounds are regulated as health hazards; a few of these were over the benchmark limits. Others may become issues of concern, so studies such as this give us helpful background levels.
PDF Pesticides in Ground Water of Wyoming, 1995-2006 [More info]
Summarizes ground-water pesticide monitoring results, shows vulnerability of aquifers to contamination.
Phosphorus and groundwater: Establishing links between agricultural use and transport to streams [More info]
Explains why phosphorus is important, how it moves through the terrestrial water system, how we measure it, and what this means for people who need to manage or monitor human activities that produce it.
PDF Science to support the understanding of south Texas surface-water and groundwater resources in a changing landscape [More info]
Short descriptions of the research and monitoring activities we are carrying out to assist state, local, and Federal agencies dealing with water resource issues in the southern part of the state.
PDF The Border Environmental Health Initiative-investigating the transboundary Santa Cruz watershed [More info]
Study to identify risks to water resources in the SCW, and the potential consequences to riparian ecosystems and ultimately human health.
PDF U.S. Geological Survey Community for Data Integration-NWIS Web Services Snapshot Tool for ArcGIS [More info]
Software used within GIS allowing streamflow, water level, and water quality data to be obtained on demand through the Internet.
USGS Water Science Cooperators and Partners in Nevada [More info]
Links to water resources data customers of the Nevada District includes federal, state, and regional agencies and Indian tribes.
Wastewater Indicators Shown to Degrade in Streams [More info]
Research findings and examples of application to real problems--the stability of contaminants that indicate human wastewater needs to be considered.
Water Resources Inventory Area 1 (WRIA1) Watershed Management Project [More info]
Hydrologic data web page for the Water Resources Inventory Area 1 (WRIA 1) Watershed Management Project studying surface and ground water in the Nooksack watershed in northwest Washington. Links to environmental data and maps.
PDF Water Resources of Beauregard Parish [More info]
In 2005, about 30.6 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water was withdrawn here, including about 30.4 Mgal/d from groundwater and 0.1 Mgal/d from surface water. Industrial use, primarily for wood products, accounted for about 72 percent (22 Mgal/d).
PDF Water Resources of Caddo Parish, Louisiana [More info]
In 2005, about 72.9 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water were withdrawn here, including about 7.70 Mgal/d from groundwater sources and 65.2 Mgal/d from surface-water sources. Public-supply use accounted for about 71%, and power generation 19%.
PDF Water Resources of Lafayette Parish [More info]
Summarizes information on the water resources of Lafayette Parish, Louisiana. Information on groundwater and surface-water availability, quality, development, use, and trends is based on previously published reports.
Water resources [More info]
Hydrologic and water-quality information with access to water data, publications, and maps, as well as to recent water projects and events.
Water resources activities in Texas - cooperating agencies [More info]
List of federal, state, regional, city and county agencies that cooperate with the USGS in water resources studies in Texas. Most have links to the agency's own website.
Water resources applications software [More info]
Archive of USGS water resources software and associated data with documentation available to the public without any fee or cost.
Water resources for Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. [More info]
USGS water resources home page with links to detailed hydrologic information for Maryland, Delaware, and District of Columbia on ground and surface water, water quality, real-time records, news releases, local weather, and reservoir levels.
Water resources for Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. - District projects [More info]
List of current water resources projects being conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey in Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia with links to dedicated websites, contacts, and project descriptions.
Water resources for Mississippi - local projects [More info]
Local projects of the Mississippi District Office on water resources of Mississippi including studies relating to erosion, floods, water data collection, ground water flow, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques, and others.
Water resources of Alabama [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Alabama with links to hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, surface water, drought conditions, rain, and water quality.
Water resources of Alaska [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Alaska with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and historic data on streamflow, ground and surface water, glaciers, and water quality plus research activities, publications, and contacts.
PDF Water resources of Allen Parish [More info]
In 2005, about 29.2 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water were withdrawn here, including about 26.8 Mgal/d from groundwater sources and 2.45 Mgal/d from surface-water sources. Rice irrigation accounted for 74 percent (21.7 Mgal/d) of the total.
Water resources of Arizona [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Arizona with detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and well levels plus current conditions, publications, and projects.
Water resources of Arkansas [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Arkansas with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, water use, and rain with links to publications and research partners
PDF Water resources of Bossier Parish [More info]
In 2005, about 15.8 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water were withdrawn, including 4.12 Mgal/d from groundwater and about 11.7 Mgal/d from surface-water sources.Public supply use accounted for about 78 percent (12.4 Mgal/d) of the total water withdra
Water resources of California [More info]
USGS water resources home page for California with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality, plus links to online reports, current issues, data archives and image archive.
Water resources of Colorado [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Colorado with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, snowpack, sediment, ground and surface water, and water quality, plus publications, news, and drought watch.
Water resources of Connecticut [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Connecticut with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, streamflow conditions, gage stations, and drought.
Water resources of Florida [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Florida with links to detailed hydrologic studies with real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality, plus publications and products, projects, news, and water watch.
Water resources of Georgia [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Georgia with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and floods, plus drought watch, current projects, and connections.
Water resources of Hawaii & the Pacific. [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Hawaii, Micronesia, and American Samoa with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, rainfall, water use and current issues.
Water resources of Idaho [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Idaho with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and water use, plus drought watch and relevant publications.
Water resources of Illinois [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Illinois with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, flooding, and water quality with highlights and project information.
Water resources of Indiana [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Indiana with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, drought, and water quality plus GPS ground station data and publications.
Water resources of Iowa [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Iowa with links to hydrologic studies and real-time and historical data on floods, streamflow, ground and surface water, sediment, precipitation, and water quality plus news releases, publications and contacts.
Water resources of Kansas [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Kansas with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and historical data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus flood watch, drought watch, publications, and district news.
Water resources of Kentucky [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Kentucky with links to detailed hydrologic studies, real-time and historical data on streamflow, ground and surface water, flow duration, and water quality plus program highlights, contacts, and news.
Water resources of Louisiana [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Louisiana with detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and water supply with publications, contacts, and current conditions.
Water resources of Louisiana - main bibliography [More info]
Bibliography of linked and cross-referenced publications and products on Louisiana water resources searchable by geographic region, subject, parish, and author.
Water resources of Maine [More info]
USGS water home page for Maine with detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, snow, and water quality plus drought watch, press releases, projects, and contacts.
Water resources of Maine - Projects [More info]
Summary of USGS programs in Maine relating to data collection and hydrologic studies of streamflow, ground water, coastal areas, and ecosystems.
Water resources of Massachusetts and Rhode Island [More info]
USGS water resource home page for Massachusetts and Rhode Island with detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, basins, floods, droughts, and water quality, plus district news.
Water resources of Michigan [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Michigan with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, weather, water management, droughts, floods, and water quality.
Water resources of Michigan - protection of drinking water sources [More info]
Links to descriptions, publications, and photos of research projects in Michigan related to drinking water including source assessment, ground water availability, water resources, and contaminants in water.
Water resources of Minnesota [More info]
USGS water resource home page for Minnesota with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data for streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, and water quality plus district information.
Water resources of Mississippi [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Mississippi with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, precipitation, local weather, and flooding plus current events, projects and reports.
Water resources of Missouri [More info]
Water District homepage with links to detailed real-time and long-term water resources data for Missouri on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality.
Water resources of Missouri - Missouri District cooperating agencies [More info]
Links to the web pages of federal, state, regional and local agencies and university cooperating with the USGS in the collection of water-resources data and the conduct of interpretive hydrologic investigations in Missouri.
Water resources of Missouri - hydrologic studies and research [More info]
Links to USGS research project summaries and publications on water resources in Missouri.
Water resources of Montana [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Montana with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, and water quality plus publications and district information.
Water resources of Nebraska [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Nebraska with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus publications and related natural resources information.
Water resources of Nevada [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Nevada with links to detailed hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of New Hampshire and Vermont [More info]
USGS water resources home page for New Hampshire and Vermont with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality plus publications and district information.
Water resources of New Jersey [More info]
USGS water resources home page for New Jersey with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, weather, and water quality plus district information.
Water resources of New Mexico [More info]
USGS water resources home page for New Mexico with links to hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus map of basins.
Water resources of New York [More info]
USGS water resources home page for New York with links to current news and features, real-time and long-term data on acid rain, suspended sediment, ground and surface water, streamflow and water quality.
Water resources of North Carolina [More info]
USGS water resources home page for North Carolina with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, droughts, precipitation, and water quality plus district information.
Water resources of North Carolina - current district projects [More info]
Links to description, publications, data, and maps for research projects on North Carolina water resources.
Water resources of North Dakota [More info]
USGS water resources home page for North Dakota with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Ohio [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Ohio with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, weather, water use, and water quality, plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Oklahoma [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Oklahoma with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, climatology, droughts, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Oregon [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Oregon with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, geographic information, and water quality plus district and publications information
Water resources of Pennsylvania [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Pennsylvania with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, map/GIS information, and water quality plus district and publications information
Water resources of South Carolina [More info]
USGS water resources home page for South Carolina with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, GIS information, acid rain, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of South Dakota [More info]
USGS water resources home page for South Dakota with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Tennessee [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Tennessee with links to detailed hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Texas - USGS activities in Texas [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Texas with links to historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, droughts, coastal storm surge, lakes and reservoirs, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Utah [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Utah with links to detailed hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus district and publications information.
PDF Water resources of Vernon Parish [More info]
In 2005, about 6.67 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water were withdrawn here, including about 6.46 Mgal/d from groundwater sources and 0.21 Mgal/d from surface-water sources. Public-supply use accounted for about 76 percent (5.06 Mgal/d) of the total
Water resources of Virginia [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Virginia with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, flooding, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Virginia - Total Maximum Daily Load [More info]
Description of a project to develop watershed models that can be used to track sources of fecal coliform bacteria by assigning Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) to three stream segments in Virginia.
Water resources of Virginia - Virginia aquifer susceptibility [More info]
Overview of a project in Virginia to develop a program for assessing public supply source waters to determine their susceptibility to contamination and to determine which systems need detailed source-water assessments.
Water resources of Virginia - chloride monitoring network [More info]
Description of project to study the distribution of saline water in the aquifers of the Coastal Plain of Virginia and the potential for saline water intrusion by evaluating chloride concentrations and the factors affecting chloride distribution.
Water resources of Virginia - river input monitoring [More info]
Description of river input monitoring project's collecting and analyzing water-quality data to calculate and explain load and trend estimates of selected nutrients and suspended solids for five major river basins in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Water resources of Washington State [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Washington State with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality, plus GIS data, district and publications information.
Water resources of Washington State - projects/studies [More info]
List of links to USGS research and studies on the water resources of Washington, which can be searched by subject, basin and county.
PDF Water resources of Webster Parish [More info]
In 2005, about 9.52 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water were withdrawn, including about 9.33 Mgal/d from groundwater and 0.19 Mgal/d from surface-water. Public supply use accounted for 70% of the total.
Water resources of West Virginia [More info]
USGS water resources home page for West Virginia with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality, plus district information and press releases.
Water resources of Wisconsin [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Wisconsin with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality, plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Wyoming [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Wyoming with links to detailed hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of the Caribbean [More info]
USGS home page for the Caribbean, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico with links to projects, GIS data, publications, and real-time data for streamflow and rainfall of Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
Water resources programs [More info]
Brief descriptions and links to major USGS programs at the state, regional, national, and international level for providing hydrologic information and for appraising the quantity, quality and location of the Nation's water resources.
Water science for schools [More info]
Homepage of an educational site for elementary school students with links to water subjects including water basics, water questions and answers, water use, picture gallery, glossary, NavGuide, and certificate of completion.
Water science for schools: the Earth's water - ground water [More info]
Educational site for elementary schools students on ground water sources, ground water flow, and aquifers.
Water science for schools: the activity center - challenge questions [More info]
Educational site for elementary school students with questions to challenge students plus links to opinion surveys, questionnaires, and water facts.
PDF Water security-National and global issues [More info]
Outlines the factors that affect freshwater supply and quality, emphasizing the social and geopolitical aspects of policy decisions.
PDF Water-resources activities of the U.S. Geological Survey in Ohio [More info]
Report on recent USGS programs in Ohio related to water resources studies, with program highlights, flood and drought studies, ground water studies, microbiological water quality research, stream data, and recent publications.
What Mobilizes Arsenic in Ground Water? [More info]
Research findings and examples of application to real problems--chemical reactions between nitrate, iron, and oxygen can affect the mobility of trace amounts of arsenic.
A Whole-System Approach to Understanding Agricultural Chemicals in the Environment [More info]
Explains the effects of the interaction of hydrologic and biological processes on agricultural chemicals in various environments.
PDF A science strategy to support management decisions related to hypoxia in the northern Gulf Of Mexico and excess nutrients in the Mississippi River Basin [More info]
The report describes a strategy for monitoring, modeling, and research activities to support management decisions to improve water-quality conditions in the Mississippi River Basin, reduce hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and improve conditions for
Access USGS - San Francisco Bay and Delta [More info]
Main page for accessing links for information and data on the San Francisco Bay estuary and its watershed with links to highlights, water, biology, wetlands, hazards, digital maps, geologic mapping, winds, bathymetry and overview of the Bay.
PDF Acid rain effects on Adirondack streams - results from the 2003-05 western Adirondack stream survey (the WASS Project) [More info]
Acidified soils caused toxic aluminum in 66 percent of 565 assessed streams. Diatoms and aquatic macroinvertebrates were moderately to severely affected. These effects have not improved in areas surveyed in the early 1980s
Animal feeding operations, effects on hydrologic resources and the environment: proceedings [More info]
Papers from a 1999 symposium on the possible effects on water resources and the environment of large agricultural feeding operations for pigs, chickens, and cattle, with links to other meetings, bibliography, and research studies. (Also as PDF files)
PDF Assessing the Vulnerability of Public-Supply Wells to Contamination: Central Valley Aquifer System near Modesto, California [More info]
Using ground-water geochemical analyses, and mathematical models, the factors affecting the quality of public water supply were identified as pumping schedule, screened interval, past land use within the recharge area, and natural geochemical conditions.
PDF Assessing the Vulnerability of Public-Supply Wells to Contamination: Floridan Aquifer System Near Tampa, Florida [More info]
Using ground-water geochemical analyses and mathematical models, the factors affecting the quality of public water supply were identified as mixing of very recent recharge with older water, karst features, natural geochemical processes, and pumping.
Assessing the Vulnerability of Public-Supply Wells to Contamination: Glacial Aquifer System in Woodbury, Connecticut [More info]
Sources and effects of contamination surrounding a single well in western Connecticut
Assessing the vulnerability of public-supply wells to contamination--Edwards aquifer near San Antonio, Texas [More info]
Well vulnerability results from the young age of groundwater. Karst features permit contaminants to move into the aquifer easily, leading to a well mixed aquifer; geochemical processes do not degrade contaminants quickly.
Biogeochemical and geohydrologic processes in a landfill-impacted alluvial aquifer, Norman, Oklahoma [More info]
Discussion and links to research for the multi-disciplinary investigation on the Norman Landfill located on alluvium associated with the Canadian River in central Oklahoma.
PDF Characterization of Fish Creek, Teton County, Wyoming, 2004-08 [More info]
Preliminary results of hydrologic and biological sampling confirm anecdotal reports that this stream shows unusually high algal growth due to elevated nutrients, probably from groundwater.
PDF Characterizing contaminant concentrations with depth by using the USGS well profiler in Oklahoma, 2003-9 [More info]
Use of specialized sampling equipment to study public water supply wells, with examples showing Arsenic in two aquifers.
Chesapeake Bay activities [More info]
Information on USGS studies of Chesapeake Bay, the nation's largest estuary, concerned with water quality, ecosystem history and change, vital habitat and biological resources, and land use studies.
PDF Chloride control and monitoring program in the Wichita River Basin, Texas, 1996-2009 [More info]
Chloride concentrations in this river have historically been high due to natural saltwater springs and seeps from geologic formations. We monitor the water to help assess the progress of human efforts designed to mitigate this problematic salinity.
Columbia Environmental Research Center [More info]
Website for the Columbia Environmental Research Center with links to staff, publications, databases, field stations, and projects including those on the Rio Grande, burrowing owls, sea turtles, and geospatial technology.
PDF Condition of streams in Independence, Missouri: What is being done to protect stream health and how citizens can help [More info]
Stream water quality is affected by amount of impermeable surface in the basin; construction; reservoirs; sanitary sewer systems; land use and population density; road salt; animal waste; lawn and agricultural fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.
Contamination in Fractured Rock Aquifers [More info]
Overview of fractured rock research aimed at understanding the movement of water through fracture networks, and characterize field conditions influencing contaminant migration. Includes programs and publications.
Devils Lake, North Dakota [More info]
Includes hydrographic information from 2000 to last seven days, water-quality data, elevation, area, and capacity data and publications on Devils Lake, North Dakota in the Red River of the North basin.
PDF Early results from the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Change and Hazard Susceptibility Project [More info]
A coordinated set of studies shows development of coastal features, aspects of marine water quality, and impacts of hurricanes along this section of important coastline.
Ecological National Synthesis Project [More info]
National-scale perspective and assessments on aquatic ecology, and the chemical and physical factors that affect aquatic conditions and health.
PDF Evaluation of Structural Best Management Practices for Highway Runoff in Beaufort and Colleton Counties, South Carolina, 2005-2006 [More info]
Summarizes the ability of four devices to remove suspended sediment, metals, nutrients, and organics compounds in stormwater runoff.
PDF Evaluation of fecal contamination by human and ruminant sources in upper Fountain Creek, Colorado, 2007-2008, by using multiple lines of evidence: [More info]
Microbial source tracking analysis of water sampled supports the argument that birds are the primary source of fecal contamination during the warm season.
Fragile environments: San Francisco Bay wetlands [More info]
Overview with links to studies on the effects of human activity on the San Francisco estuary with loss of historic fresh and saltwater tidal marshes reducing habitats, introducing contaminants in waste, and creating dredging problems.
PDF Geochemistry of the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer [More info]
Describes the geographic extent, quality, origin, and dynamic character of this aquifer located in south central Oklahoma.
Geologic framework and process of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin [More info]
Field methods, topics of investigation, shoreline changes, publications, and satellite imagery related to geologic and hydrologic processes affecting Lake Pontchartrain and adjacent lakes which form a large estuary in the Gulf Coast region.
Great Lakes issues [More info]
Water resources problems of the Great Lakes including water use, bacterial contamination on beaches, status of water resources, and ground water flow.
Gulf of the Farallones disposal issues: disposal and waste disposal [More info]
Study of the effects on the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary resulting from the disposal of San Francisco dredged material and barrels of low-level radioactive waste with links to publications and atlas with digital images.
Hydrologic conditions for North Dakota [More info]
Links by map location or station number to real-time stage and streamflow, real-time water quality, ground-water data, long-term hydrographs, and annual water-data reports to view and download for past and current water conditions in North Dakota.
Hydrologic studies in Oregon [More info]
Links to water data studies for river and lake basins in Oregon including ground water and water quality studies.
Hydrologic studies in the Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon [More info]
Overview of Klamath ecological research and links to USGS Klamath studies on ground water, nutrients, sediment oxygen demand, and fish response to water quality, sucker ecology, publications, bibliographies, and data.
Hydrology of Johnson Creek Basin, a Mixed-Use Drainage Basin in the Portland, Oregon, Metropolitan Area [More info]
Study of a small stream that has had a history of persistent flooding and water-quality problems.
Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico and related USGS activities [More info]
Information about the causes and impact of hypoxia with links to USGS and other Federal agency information and activities related to nutrients in the Mississippi River Basin and hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico.
Identifying sources of fecal coliform bacteria in selected streams on Virginia's Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) priority list [More info]
Describes project to identify sources of fecal coliform bacteria by ribotyping to develop the use of Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) values for contaminated stream segments in Virginia.
Johnson Creek basin hydrologic monitoring [More info]
Hydrologic data and analyses of surface-water, water quality, and ground water in the Johnson Creek basin in Oregon.
Methow River Basin [More info]
Description of studies conducted to evaluate the surface water, ground water, water interactions, and water quality of Methow River Basin in Washington. With links to related science topics, datasets, maps, project summaries, and news.
Michigan District - USGS Federal-State Cooperator Program [More info]
Links to websites of state, county and regional, township, municipal and tribal cooperators assisting with the funding and studies of the Michigan District research projects and data collection related to Michigan's water resources.
Missouri River InfoLink: a clearinghouse of Missouri River information [More info]
Portal for Missouri River Infolinks, a clearinghouse to multiple links giving Missouri information, photo gallery, river weather forecast, projects and features, maps, meetings, history, and science research.
Monitoring program for mercury in precipitation in Indiana [More info]
Precipitation-monitoring network for mercury in Indiana.
New Mexico District - cooperating agencies [More info]
Collecting water-resources data and conducting interpretive hydrologic investigations are accomplished in cooperation with local, tribal, State, and Federal agencies. Links are to agencies cooperating with the New Mexico District.
New York State pesticide monitoring homepage [More info]
Data on presence and distribution of pesticides in surface and ground water of New York State.
New York state current studies and research [More info]
Links to summaries of USGS studies and research on water resources in the state of New York arranged by project number.
PDF Nitrate concentrations and potential sources in the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards aquifer and its contributing zone, Central Texas [More info]
The area contributing recharge to this aquifer is undergoing rapid growth, generating more wastewater. We found that nitrate, a major component of wastewater and a nutrient that can degrade water quality, has increased in the creeks in this area.
Ohio District - list of cooperators [More info]
Links to web pages of state, local, and federal agencies supporting water-resources investigations in cooperation with the USGS in Ohio.
Ohio District's Microbiology Program [More info]
Overview of microbiology projects related to water quality investigating bacteria, viral and protozoan pathogens and indicators in the environment with links to publications, analytical and field methods, laboratory, and current projects.
Oklahoma District - list of cooperators [More info]
List of cooperating agencies and institutions that partner with the USGS in studies related to water resources and hydrology in Oklahoma.
Online assessment of hydrologic conditions in Texas [More info]
Brief summaries of USGS projects in Texas including water quality monitoring, digital mapping, energy resources, U.S.-Mexico border mapping, fish and wildlife health, Kemp's Ridley sea turtle, and conditions affecting water quality.
Organic Geochemistry Research Group in Kansas [More info]
The Organic Geochemistry Research Group of the Kansas District focuses on the fate and transport of organic contaminants in the environment with links to objectives, analytical methods, laboratory methods, publications, events, photos, and personnel.
Pennsylvania fractured rock hydrology research [More info]
Links to reports for Pennsylvania on borehole geophysical studies, aquifer tests and properties, modeling, and hydrologic effects of an earthquake with links to MOC3D solute transport software package, program mission, and bibliography.
PDF Pesticides in Wyoming's rivers, 2006-10 [More info]
Sampling for pesticide contamination in four major rivers in in the Bighorn and North Platte River Basins, begun in 2006 and resampled in 2009 and 2010 revealed concentration at levels below the standards for drinking water.
Photographs of the Picher Mining District (Ottawa County, Oklahoma) [More info]
Description and photos related to the Picher Mining District in Oklahoma, once a primary U.S. source of lead and zinc and now the largest superfund site in the U.S. with millions of cubic yards of mine tailings (locally known as "chat") remaining.
Recent changes in the food web of Lake Erie - the role of phosphorus and zebra mussels [More info]
Brief overview of the proliferation of zebra mussels and the role of phosphorus in Lake Erie with links to publications related to Lake Erie water quality.
PDF Redox Conditions in Selected Principal Aquifers of the United States [More info]
Summarizes measurements of ground-water chemistry that affect the vulnerability of aquifers to contamination. Data are from aquifers throughout the conterminous US and Alaska.
Reservoir sediment studies in Kansas [More info]
Report of completed reservoir sediment studies in Kansas using a combination of bathymetric surveying, sediment coring, chemical analysis, and statistical analysis to understand the quantity and quality of deposited sediment.
PDF Response of Florida shelf ecosystems to climate change: from macro to micro scales [More info]
Study of the effects of ocean acidification on regional carbonate processes, changes in individual estuaries, and organism-level response.
PDF Response of lake chemistry to atmospheric deposition and climate in selected Class I wilderness areas in the western United States, 1993-2009 [More info]
Sulfate deposition to high-elevation areas has decreased here as a result of reductions in SO2 emissions. Nitrate deposition did not change, whereas ammonium deposition increased, particularly at sites near urban and agricultural areas.
River corridor habitat dynamics, Lower Missouri River [More info]
Detailed description of The Lower Missouri River Corridor Habitat Dynamics Project studying river habitat in a heavily engineered river.
River inventory and monitoring [More info]
Links to science programs on upper Midwest river inventory and monitoring with links to databases on macroinvertebrates, fisheries, vegetation, water quality, bathymetry, floodplain forest, wildlife, sediment, contaminants and nutrients.
South Dakota District - our cooperators [More info]
Links to web sites of cooperators coordinating with the USGS South Dakota District in the collection of water resources data includes federal, state, tribal and local agencies.
South Florida Ecosystem History Project [More info]
Project is designed to integrate studies from a number of researchers compiling data from terrestrial, marine, and freshwater ecosystems within south Florida. Links to publications, maps, posters, and data of studies.
Statewide observation well network in Pennsylvania [More info]
In 1931, the USGS established a statewide network of wells in Pennsylvania to monitor water-level fluctuations. This network consists of 68 wells to monitor ground water conditions during droughts. Links to ground-water data, hydrographs, and levels.
Studies of Climate Change in the Yukon River Basin: Connecting Community and Science Through a Unique Partnership [More info]
Study to establish a baseline dataset of water quality, which will serve as an important frame of reference to assess future changes in the basin that may result from a warmer climate.
PDF Sustainability of natural attenuation of nitrate in agricultural aquifers [More info]
Nitrate from fertilizer is degraded by microbial action in the presence of solid minerals. This helps mitigate the effect of the nitrate, but begins to diminish the solid minerals needed. Will the process be sustainable in the long term?
Tampa Bay Study [More info]
Overview of interdisciplinary research on the Tampa Bay estuary of the Gulf of Mexico with links to digital library, interactive mapping, reports, posters, water chemistry maps, meetings and conferences, scientist directory, and field trips.
PDF Taste and odor occurrence in Lake William C. Bowen and Municipal Reservoir #1, Spartanburg County, South Carolina [More info]
Explains why and how water from this reservoir, and others like it, sometimes acquire undesirable taste or odor, yet are not dangerous to drink.
The Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone [More info]
Information and links to USGS and other Federal agency monitoring and research concerning the hypoxic zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico occurring along the Louisiana-Texas coast.
The South Florida environment-- a region under stress [More info]
This report serves as an environmental review and framework for developing USGS programs in the south Florida ecosystem, especially the Everglades and its watershed, and stresses the critical role of water in natural and human environment.
The U.S. Geological Survey and the Chesapeake Bay - the role of science in environmental restoration [More info]
Summary of a circular on USGS environmental research and Chesapeake Bay with links to full document. Includes discussion of the problems of the estuary, restoration efforts, water quality, and effects on ecosystem.
PDF Toxicity and bioavailability of metals in the Missouri River adjacent to a lead refinery [More info]
Report (PDF format) on an evaluation of the potential environmental impacts of contaminated ground water from a metals refinery adjacent to the Missouri River in Omaha, Nebraska testing water and sediments for contaminants and toxicity.
PDF Twelve Years of Monitoring Phosphorus and Suspended-Solids Concentrations and Yields in the North Fork Ninnescah River above Cheney Reservoir, South-Central Kansas 1997-2008 [More info]
Water quality is important here because this reservoir is the primary supply for Wichita, Kansas. Due to low streamflow during the monitoring period, we expect suspended sediment and phosphorus to be more variable in the future.
PDF Two decades of research at Crater Lake [More info]
Research brief for resource managers on the ecology of Crater Lake.
USGS - Nebraska cooperators and other contacts [More info]
Links to webpages of federal, state, local & municipality agencies and Nebraska Natural Resource Districts that are cooperators with the Nebraska District in the collection of water resources data. Plus contacts for other related agencies.
USGS Pacific coral reefs website [More info]
Overview of research in the Hawaiian Islands and Guam to gain insight into the structure of coral reefs, to provide the basis for future monitoring, and to understand the influences of natural processes and human activities on coral reef health.
Upper Wallkill River study [More info]
Program to measure streamflow stage and discharge at four sites in the Upper Wallkill River Valley's Black Dirt Region and determine Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentration data and estimate loads of TSS and sources of contaminants.
Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Geology Field Center [More info]
Site with links to projects of the field center of the Woods Hole Coastal Marine Geology Program on underwater areas between shorelines and the deep ocean, off the U.S. East Coast, the Gulf of Mexico, and in parts of the Caribbean and Great Lakes.
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