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“My thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, and two other Americans that lost their lives as a result of this outrageous attack on the U.S. Diplomatic Post in Benghazi, Libya."
"Today our nation remembers and mourns the loss of nearly 3,000 victims whose precious lives were lost, eleven years ago on September 11, 2001. We were attacked by terrorists on our own soil, yet we stood resiliently as one indivisible nation in the midst of a painful tragedy that deeply impacted the way we live in the world since. "
"Today's jobs report reflects continual progress under President Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Democrats have made our policy agenda clear: By focusing our efforts and investments into manufacturing, small businesses, education, and infrastructure, we can strengthen our country’s middle class and get America back on the top."
New York, NY - Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today in remembrance of the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina that devastated the city of New Orleans, Louisiana in 2005:
New York, New York - Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement after learning of the tragic shooting at the Empire State Building in New York City, that killed two people and wounded several others
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic- Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement after Danilo Medina was sworn in as the 56th Constitutional President of the Dominican Republic:
New York, New York - Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement on the first day of the implementation of President Barack Obama’s deferred action initiative.
Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement on the 77th anniversary of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signing the Social Security Act of 1935, securing the retirement of generations of American seniors.
Washington, D.C.—Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement commemorating the 47th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act: Today marks the 47th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, landmark legislation passed in 1965 which guaranteed the right to vote for all American citizens -- regardless of their color.
Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement after learning of the tragic shooting at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, that killed 6 people and wounded several others:



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