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Below are 2009 reports.

Annual FOIA Report

Summary of 2008 FOIA Requests made of USTR.

National Trade Estimate Report

The 2009 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (NTE) is the twenty-fourth in an annual series that surveys significant foreign barriers to U.S. exports. The report provides, where feasible, quantitative estimates of the impact of these foreign practices on the value of U.S. exports. Information is also included on actions taken to eliminate barriers.

Special 301 Report

The report highlights positive accomplishments, such as sustained efforts by trading partners such as the Republic of Korea (Korea) and Taiwan, both of whom have been removed from the Watch List, and a positive outcome in a U.S. World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement case against China. The report notes continuing serious concerns in countries such as China and Russia. But it also credits positive steps by those trading partners, such as Russia's accession to the WIPO Internet Treaties.

2009 Trade Policy Agenda and 2008 Annual Report

President Obama has charted a course for economic recovery that will restore growth and promote broadbased prosperity. It will emphasize improvements in the living standards of American families while reorienting our economy to meet today's challenges - energy, the environment, and global competitiveness.

Fourth Report to the Congress on the Operation of the Andean Trade Preference Act as Amended

A general review of the ATPA/ATPDEA beneficiary countries based on the eligibility criteria and considerations described in the statute. This report covers the period 2007 through 2008.

Results of the 2009 Section 1377 Review of Telecommunications Trade Agreements

Several general themes are addressed in this year's Section 1377 Review: fixed and mobile call termination rates in El Salvador, Jamaica, Japan, Peru, and Tonga; problems with major suppliers in Australia, Colombia, Germany, India, Mexico, Singapore, and Sweden; transparency and regulatory independence in China, Egypt, Germany, India, Israel, Mexico, and South Africa; failure to update WTO commitments in Thailand; and issues affecting the telecommunications equipment trade in Brazil, China, India, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, and Thailand. This year's Review also highlights progress on an issue in Oman that was mentioned in last year's report.

100 Days Progress Report

Summary of the progress of USTR during the first 100 days of the Obama Administration.

2007-2012 Strategic Plan

This document is the third strategic plan of the Office of the United States Trade Representative. This strategic plan has been developed in accordance with the USTR's obligations under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) to help USTR plan for the next six years. The plan consists of six main components: (1) a statement of USTR's agency mission; (2) USTR's strategic goals over the next six years; (3) the means and strategies USTR will employ to achieve its strategic goals; (4) key factors that could influence the achievement of the strategic goals; (5) a description of the relationship between USTR's annual program performance goals and USTR's larger strategic goals; and (6) the program evaluations that USTR used in preparing the strategic plan.

Report to Congress on U.S. Equipment Industry Access to the Galileo Program and Markets

In the Joint Explanatory Statement to accompany the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009 (P.L. 111-008), Congress requested that the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative report on the status of U.S. equipment industry access to the European Community Galileo program and European markets for related goods and services, in order to assess EC compliance with the Agreement on the Promotion, Provision and Use of Galileo and GPS Satellite-Based Navigation Systems and Related Applications.

Report on Bolivia and Ecuador with Regard to the Andean Trade Preference Act

This report is provided pursuant to section 208(b) of ATPA (19 U.S.C. 3206 (b). The ATPA was enacted in December 1991 to help four Andean countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru) in their fight against drug production and trafficking by expanding their economic alternatives.

2009 Report to Congress On China’s WTO Compliance

This is the eighth report prepared pursuant to section 421 of the U.S.-China Relations Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-286), 22 U.S.C. § 6951 (the Act), which requires the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to report annually to Congress on compliance by the People's Republic of China (China) with commitments made in connection with its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), including both multilateral commitments and any bilateral commitments made to the United States. The report also incorporates the findings of the Overseas Compliance Program, as required by section 413(b)(2) of the Act, 22 U.S.C. § 6943(b)(2).

2009 Report to Congress on the Operation of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act

This report provides an important opportunity to evaluate the effects of the expansions of CBI trade preferences. It is clear that the preference provisions are being actively used by beneficiary countries and U.S. industries. The Administration will continue to work with Congress, the private sector, CBI beneficiary countries, and other interested parties to ensure a faithful and effective implementation of this important expansion of trade benefits.