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Ambassador Sapiro Highlights USTR's Growing Trade Agenda in New York City

07/18/2011 - 10:48am

Last week, Deputy United States Trade Representative Miriam Sapiro traveled to New York City to highlight USTR’s growing trade agenda throughout the Western Hemisphere. Ambassador Sapiro spoke at a breakfast sponsored by the Council of the Americas and at the Bloomberg Brazil Conference.

At the Council of the Americas breakfast, Ambassador Sapiro highlighted the economic value of the pending trade agreements with Colombia and Panama. Specifically, she explained the job creating opportunities that each will provide for U.S. workers, farmers, ranchers, and businesses once approved by Congress. She also discussed the recent resolution of the cross-border trucking dispute with Mexico, including Mexico’s decision to reduce its retaliatory tariffs by fifty percent. In addition, Ambassador Sapiro spoke about intellectual property-related challenges with Canada.

At the Bloomberg conference, Ambassador Sapiro spoke on a panel entitled “China vs. the U.S.: the Battle for Brazil,” where she highlighted the strength of the Administration’s trade partnership with Brazil. The panel discussed the nature of Brazil’s trading relationship with China. Ambassador Sapiro explained why she does not view the United States and China as competitors in Brazil. She outlined several areas, including clean energy, intellectual property, and infrastructure development and innovation, where she sees great promise for greater U.S.-Brazilian collaboration. Ambassador Sapiro also highlighted President Obama’s March 2011 trip to Rio de Janeiro and the recent Agreement on Trade and Cooperation (ATEC) signed by Ambassador Kirk as evidence of the Administration’s strong and successful commitment to increasing bilateral trade with Brazil.

Ambassador Miriam Sapiro at the Bloomberg Conference "China vs. the U.S.: the Battle for Brazil"
Ambassador Miriam Sapiro at the Bloomberg Conference "China vs. the U.S.: the Battle for Brazil"