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Ask the Ambassador: U.S.-Mongolia Trade

03/05/2010 - 11:58am

We recently received a question about our trading relationship with Mongolia.  Roger from Indiana asks:

"Are we in negotiations with Mongolia to develop a free trade agreement? I think they would be a good partner."

Ambassador Kirk responds:

"Thank you for your question, Roger.  While we are not currently in negotiations with Mongolia for a free trade agreement, we continue to pursue trade initiatives with Mongolia through the U.S.-Mongolia Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA), established in 2004.  Since launching the agreement, U.S. exports there have more than doubled, as American-made vehicles, machinery, electronic equipment and other goods have made their way to Mongolian markets.  Through this forum we have been able to address a wide-range of trade and economic issues to help strengthen our trading relationship in areas like intellectual property rights, labor, environmental matters, non-tariff barriers, and transparency.  USTR continues to take steps in enhancing our trade relationship so that American businesses can have more open access to markets in Mongolia and increase exports there.

In an effort to boost trade, last year we launched negotiations for a United States-Mongolia Transparency Agreement, designed to establish mutual commitments on transparency in trade and investment.  Once completed, this agreement should lead to increased clarity for businesses trying to export.  A completed Transparency Agreement, complemented by continuing bilateral dialogue on other issues, should make it possible for more and more U.S. businesses and workers to benefit from our growing trade relationship with Mongolia. "

Thank you for continuing our dialogue on trade. Please keep submitting your questions and comments for the Ambassador.