Fire Prevention Tips for News Stories:
Home Fire Sprinklers

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When a member of your community is killed in a home fire, it is important to let others know how they can prevent a similar tragedy. As you continue to report on the fire, the U.S. Fire Administration encourages you to remind your audience that many fire deaths and injuries are preventable.

About 3,500 Americans die each year in fires and about 18,300 are injured. Many of them might be alive today if they had only had the information they needed to avoid a disaster. The following life-saving information could make a big difference to your audience. By incorporating it in your story now, while the moment is still fresh, you could help save a life.

Did you know?

The combination of working smoke alarms and home fire sprinklers reduces the likelihood of death from fire by more than 80 percent.

Home Fire Sprinklers SAVE LIVES!

The most effective fire loss prevention and reduction measure for both life and property is the installation and maintenance of home fire sprinklers. Fire sprinkler systems offer the optimum level of fire safety because they control the fire immediately in the room of origin, help limit the spread of fire, and often extinguish it before the fire department arrives.

What do home fire sprinklers do?

Home fire sprinklers automatically contain a fire, preventing it from spreading. Only the sprinklers in the fire area are activated.

Are home fire sprinklers costly and difficult to install?

Home fire sprinklers use narrow piping that requires minimal water pressure to move water from the tap to the source of a fire. Home sprinklers require less water to operate than those in industrial or commercial establishments. In general, the cost of installing sprinklers in a new home is approximately 1 percent of the total cost of the home. Older homes can be retrofitted with sprinklers, but the cost may be higher than when installing them during the new home construction process.

Advantages for the homeowner.

Sprinklers can put out or contain a fire even before the fire department arrives. This results in less overall damage to property from smoke, fire, and water than if the fire had continued unabated or if firefighting hoselines had been used.

Home sprinklers are smaller than commercial and industrial sprinklers, and they can be aesthetically coordinated with any room décor.

Families with children, senior citizens, and physically impaired members have special fire protection needs. Home sprinkler systems provide added protection for these people.