Comments on Security Issues with Pakistan and India

Press Conference
Timothy Roemer
U.S. Ambassador to India
New Dehli, India
May 4, 2011


Ambassador Roemer : Pakistan needs to do more. We have, as you have seen very evidently by senior level visitors from the United States going to Islamabad, we have made it very clear that Pakistan needs to do more. They need to show progress and results on the Mumbai trial. That Mumbai attack on 26/11 killed scores of Indians, six Americans and the United States wants to progress and results and justice.

We continue to encourage Pakistan to show results in the Mumbai trials, to take on Lashkar-e-Taiba as a terrorist group, and to make sure people like Lakhvi (Zakir-ur-Rahman Lakhvi, Lashkar-e-Taiba founder and operative) stay in prison.

I would also like to say with respect to India, that for the past two years, under the President's (US President Barack Obama) vision and leadership, and with the strong support from Dr. Singh (Manmohan Singh, Indian Prime Minister), the United States and India have entered into a security partnership where we have worked together to share David Headley (co-conspirator of Mumbai attacks), to share intelligence on a daily basis, no matter what the threat might be, whether it was during the Commonwealth games or the World Cup. We continue to do that in an hourly fashion, we are sharing best practices, and we have entered into a historic period between the United States and India in counterterrorism cooperation, security partnership and as global relationship to take on groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba.


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