U.S. Humanitarian Support on Libya's Borders

Eric P. Schwartz
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Ras Jdir, Tunisia
March 9, 2011


Reuters soundbite:

Assistant Secretary Schwartz (Mar. (9): "The United States thus far has provided 30 million dollars' worth of, committed to 30 million dollars' worth of support and we will do more and U.S. specialists are on the ground here, the U.S. military has helped to move people from here to Egypt and we are very dedicated to helping others who are trying to ease the situation here."

"I think our mission is a humanitarian mission, we're here to take a look at the efforts that are being made, to deal with this very large movement of people, to provide them with basic assistance, to provide them with what they need to get to their homes, and so our focus really here is on making sure that we can do everything we can to help the government of Tunisia and the Tunisian people, the international organizations that are playing such an important role."

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