Remarks to the Media on Arrival at Incheon International Airport

Kurt M. Campbell
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Incheon, South Korea
January 4, 2012


I just want to say how good it is to be back in Seoul. We just, our team has just arrived from Beijing where we had good consultations with our Chinese interlocutors. Tomorrow I look forward to debriefing my South Korean friends in the Foreign Ministry and the Blue House, other agencies about our deliberations. Also how the United States is thinking about the situation. I am very much interested to hear South Korean thinking. We were very much impressed by the statement President Lee Myung Bak made about the situation on the Peninsula in the last day or so. And we are completely committed to the closest possible dialogue with South Korea going forward. Again it is great to be back in Seoul, and we very much look forward to our discussions tomorrow. I will have more to say after our discussions then. Thank you.


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