Joint Chiefs of Staff

Chairman's Key Themes

  • Achieve our national objectives in the current conflicts
  • Develop Joint Force 2020
  • Renew our commitment to the Profession of Arms
  • Keep faith with our Military Family

Chairman's Strategic Direction
to the Joint Force

CJCS Letter to the
Joint Force

J4 Logistics

J-4 integrates logistics planning and execution in support of joint operations to drive joint force readiness, maximize the Joint Force Commander's freedom of action, and advise the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on logistics matters.  We work across the myriad of organizations in the logistics Community of Interest (COI) including the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Services, the Combatant Commands, the industrial base, and our multinational and interagency partners.
J-4 is structured into two cross-functional groups that support operational and strategic logistics.  This structure allows us to maintain a comprehensive understanding of the current operational environment and to better prepare for the future environment.  The Deputy Director for Operational Logistics focuses and aligns with the core logistics capabilities of supply, maintenance operations, deployment and distribution, health services support, engineering, logistics services, and operational contract support.  The Deputy Director for Strategic Logistics focuses on long-term strategy, knowledge-based logistics, multi-national partnerships, capabilities, analysis, and resources.
Our Mission
Lead the logistics enterprise, drive joint force readiness and provide the best logistics advice to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to maximize the joint force commander's freedom of action. 
J-4 Focus Areas 
    - COCOM Advocacy:  Support COCOM's development of strategy and operational logistics solution
    - Readiness:  Develop a logistics readiness assessment to guard against a "hollow force"

    - Joint Force 2020:  Identify logistics capabilities for Joint Force 2020 that assure and agile, ready, technologically advanced and reversible force

    - Our Organization: Align J-4 resources and communicate to maximize effectiveness

J-4 Strategic Plan

The J-4 Strategic Plan provides strategic direction for the next 3 to 5 years.  To view the plan, click here.

J-4 Joint Concept for Logistics
The Joint  Concept for Logistics presents a common framework for providing logistic support to joint forces operating as designed in the Capstone Concept for Joint Operations. It introduces a Department of Defense led enterprise solution to logistic support employing a whole of government approach. To view the JCL, click here.
J-4 Joint Supply Joint Integrating Concepts Capabilities-Based Assessment Solutions and Recommendations Report
The Joint Supply Integrating Concepts (JS JIC) Capabilities-Based Assessment (CBA) Solutions and Recommendations Report, completes the JS JIC CBA.  The Core Work Group (CWG), comprising the Joint Staff J-4, Defense Logistcs Agency (DLA), Services and intergovernmental partners, developed a solutions portfolio designed to operate teh Joint Supply Enterprise (JSE).  The JS JIC CBA Solutions and Recommendations Report can be found here.
J-4 Joint Logistics Lexicon

The lack of a shared language has created or exacerbated many of the challenges to achieving the logistics community’s vision of integrated logistics capabilities and, ultimately, freedom of action for the joint warfighter. Therefore, a joint logistics lexicon was developed to provide the Logistics Community with a single, consolidated list of approved and emerging logistics terms to help facilitate logistics interoperability through a common operating language. To view the lexicon, click here.


J-4 Annual Guidance


The J-4 Annual Guidance serves to guide our J-4 Directorate's actions for 2012 and inform the greater logistics enterprise (JLEnt). We have slightly adjusted our mission statement and crafted new focus areas for 2012. Our 2012 Annual guidance aligns with the DoD Strategic Guidance and assists in identifying the J-4 focus of effort and allocation of resources. To view the 2012 J-4 Annual Guidance, click here. 
Director J4 Biography:  Lt Gen Brooks L. Bash 

Chairman's Quote

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