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Library > Fact Sheets > 361st Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group


Posted 5/4/2011 Printable Fact Sheet
361 Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Group Emblem
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The 361st Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Group, located at Hurlburt Field, Fla., is the only Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency group that directly supports Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC). The 361st ISR Group trains and equips both direct support operators and tactical systems operators, who fly as qualified aircrew members onboard AFSOC aircraft.


The 361st ISR Group provides direct threat warning and enhanced situational awareness to AFSOC aircrews. The 361st brings all Air Force ISR Agency units supporting special operations forces (SOF) under the umbrella of one group to better present ISR capabilities to the SOF community and to streamline the unit's command and control.
The 361st is a selectively-manned and uniquely tasked unit, providing a specialized ISR across the spectrum of operations from conflict through humanitarian relief, and is heavily tasked around the world. The Group and subordinate units conduct cultural and network studies to enhance tactic techniques and procedures to ensure interoperability within the special operations and conduct research and development of commercial and government acquired communications sites. The group consists of two squadrons and includes several geographically separated detachments. The group's Airmen are qualified to operate as aircrew on almost every aircraft type within AFSOC.


The 361st ISR Group began as the 11th Photographic Group (Mapping) Nov. 19, 1943. The group's early missions included the photographic mapping of the United States and sending detachments to the Chine-Burma-India Theater, the Near and Middle East, Mexico, Canada, Alaska and the Caribbean to conduct similar missions. The 11th PG flew B-17, B-24, B-25, B-29, F-2, F-9, F-10 and A-20 aircraft. It was officially disbanded Oct. 5, 1944.

The Air Force re-established and redesignated the 11th PG as the 361st Tactical Intelligence Group July 31, 1985, but the unit was never activated. This allowed the 361st TIS to be re-established and redesignated Oct. 10, 2008, as the 361st ISR Group.

Later that month, Oct. 29, 2008, the Air Force ISR Agency then activated the 361st ISR Group at Hurlburt Field, Fla. The new group, under AFSOC operational control, took command of the 19th Intelligence Squadron at Pope Air Force Base, N.C., and the 25th Intelligence Squadron at Hurlburt Field.

(Current as of May 2011)

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