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Institute of Education Sciences

IES Centers

Small Business Innovation Research

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program at the Institute of Education Sciences (Institute) provides up to $1,050,000 in funding to small business firms and partners for the research and development (R&D) of commercially viable education technology products or tools.

The program accepts proposals through two tracks:

Through its education track, the Institute funds the R&D of (1) products to improve student learning directly or indirectly (e.g., through teacher practices) in authentic education delivery settings (e.g., schools, after-school programs, or distance learning programs), or (2) tools to facilitate research in the field of education. For more details on the current priority area in the education track, click here .

Through its special education track, the Institute funds the R&D of products for use by infants, toddlers, or students with or at risk for disabilities, or teachers (or other instructional personnel, related services providers, or family members) in early intervention or special education. For more details on the current priority area in the special education track, click here .