White Mountain Apache Tribe

Sex Offender Registry
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Welcome to the White Mountain Apache Tribe's Public Sex Offender Registry Website. On May 20, 2008, the White Mountain Apache Tribe has opted into efforts to implement the Adam Walsh Act of 2006 Title I the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act. (SORNA). The White Mountain Apache Tribe has adopted Chapter 5 REGISTRATION OF SEX OFFENDERS by Ordinance No. 245, enacted on December 13, 2010.

The White Mountain Apache Tribe is disproportionately affected by violent crime and sex offenses in from both Indian and non-Indian perpetrators; consequently, the conduct and presence of convicted sex offender on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation threatens the political integrity, economic security, health and welfare of Tribal Nations event to the point of imperiling the susistence of Tribal Communities.


A. Sex Offender Registry. There is hereby established a Sex Offender Registry which the White Mountain Apache Tibe Police Department shall maintain and operate pursuant to the provisions of this Code, as amended.

B. Public Sex Offender Registry Website. There is hereby established a public Sex Offender Registry Website which the White Mountain Apache Tribe Police Department shall maintain and operate pursuant to the provisions of ths Code, as amended.


Individuals who reside within the exterior boundries of the reservation or otherwise reside on property owned by the tribe in fee or trust regardless of location, are employed within the exterior boundaries of the reservation or on property owned by the tribe in fee or trust regardless of location, or who attend school within the exterior boundaries of the reservation or on property owned by the tribe in fee or trust regardless of location, that have been convicted of any of the (registerable) offenses, or convicted of an attempt or conspiracy to commit any of the (registerable) offenses, are subject to the requirements of this Chapter; (SEE TRIBAL CODE FOR DETAILS OF COVERED OFFENSES)


A. Failure to Appear. In the event a sex offender fails to register with the tribe as required by this Code, the White Mountain Apache Tribe Police Department or designee shall immediately inform the jurisdiction that provided notification that the sex offender was to commence residency, employment, or school attendance with the tribe that the sex offender faild to appear for registeration.

B. Absconded Sex Offenders. If the White Mountain Apache Tribe Police Department or designee receives information that a sex offender has absconded the White Mountain Apache Tribe Police Department shall make an effort to determine if the sex offender has actually absconded.


D. Hindrance of sex offender registration.
1. A person is guilty of an offense if they:
a). Knowingly harbors or knowingly attempts to harbor, or knowingly assists another person in harboring or tempting to harboring or attempting to harbor a sex offender who is in violation of this Code,

b). Knowingly assists a sex offender in eluding a law enforcement agency that is seeking to find the sex offender to question the sex offender about, or to arrest the sex offender for, noncompliance with the requirements of this Code, or

c). Provides information to law enforcement agency regarding a sex offender which the person knows to be false.

Conditions of Use:


This Website is provided as a public service. Through this Website, the public has access to information regarding offenders who are registered pursuant to the White Mountain Apache Tribes' Sex Offender Registration Code (“SORC”), which was enacted to implement the Adam Walsh Act.

Information accessed or obtained through this Website might not reflect current residences, employment, school attendance, or other information regarding such individuals. Consequently, users are forewarned that it is incumbent upon them to verify any and all information. Any user seeking additional information or verification should contact the White Mountain Apache Tribes’ Sex Offender Registration Program. If you believe information contained in the Registry is not accurate, you are encouraged to contact the Sex Offender Registration Program at
(928) 338-4942 ext 240.

Anyone using information contained in or accessed through this Website to threaten, intimidate, or harass any individual, including registrants or family members, or who otherwise misuse this information will be subject to criminal prosecution or civil liability.

By using this Website, you consent to the jurisdiction and laws of the White Mountain Apache Tribe concerning use and access to the Sex Offender Registry. The White Mountain Apache Tribe does not waive their sovereign immunity from suit and use of any information contained in the Registry is solely at your own risk. Please contact the Sex Offender Registration Program for a copy of SORC if you have any questions regarding its requirements and prohibitions.

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